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“Did it work?”

He nodded. “I completed an entire grade that summer. While I concentrated on my studies, my leg didn’t hurt as much, or perhaps I didn’t think about it hurting so much. Re

gardless, since that time work has always come first.”

“Sheikh, would you like me to pour the wine now?” one of the servants asked.

“Yes. Tell the chef he can serve the food then you may all retire for the evening.” Nassir said as they returned to the loveseats.

Soon, the servants carried out half a dozen plates of food and deposited them around the table, along with two bottles of wine—a fine merlot, dark and sweet. His favorite.

Nassir led Janna to the table and got her seated then took the spot beside her. He poured them each a glass of wine. Given the fact, she downed hers rather quickly, she seemed to like it as much as he did. He refilled her glass and smiled. “You will want to pace yourself with that. It is much stronger than it seems.”

“Really?” She wrinkled her nose and took another sip. “It’s good. Tastes like fruit juice.”

They ate their food and talked about their childhoods and laughed. In fact, he felt so comfortable with her that once they’d had their fill of dinner, he leaned back and placed a hand on Janna’s shoulder. She didn’t pull away. Instead, she turned to him and grinned, the small pink tongue peeking out to wet her full bottom lip. This close, he could stroke her silky soft skin and smell her scent—lemon and spice and warm, clean woman.

She leaned toward him for a brief second, her lips parted and her eyes half closed, then sat back and shook her head. “I think I need some fresh air.”

Nassir watched her walk out onto the wraparound deck and lean against the railing as she gazed up at the starry sky.

He knew he shouldn’t follow her. He should stay inside, stay at the table, and keep things between them as he’d intended— a marriage in name only. A convenience to secure his seat on the board. Nothing more. He followed her anyway.

“It’s so beautiful here,” she said as he stepped in beside her at the railing.

This close the heat of her penetrated his evening robes and drove him half mad with want. Without a second thought, he reached over and turned her to face him. “You are beautiful. Beautiful as the stars.”

“Right.” She chuckled.

“I am serious.” Transfixed, he lifted one of her dangling curls, winding it around his finger. “Your hair is like moonbeams.

“Do these lines work on most women you meet?” She gave him a soft smile.

“Only the ones I want to kiss.” He bent his head and brushed his lips over hers, once, twice, before claiming them with his own. He licked his tongue over her bottom lip and she gasped, allowing him entrance into her mouth. She tasted of sweet wine and potent desire.

Nassir couldn’t get enough. He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her tighter against him, loving the feel of her soft curves against his hard form. Janna moaned deep and low then twined her arms around his neck, as if seeking even more intimate contact. He was about to gather her in his arms and sweep her inside when she pulled away.

“No. Stop.” She shoved him away, backing up. “We can’t do this.”

“Janna!” He took a step towards her, but she was already on the move, headed for the ramp. “Come back. I don’t know what came over me.”

“This cannot happen again.” She turned and fled toward the palace, carrying her high heels this time.

Nassir went back inside the tree house and slumped down on the loveseat they’d used earlier. Kissing Janna had rocked him like nothing before. His pulse still throbbed with need and his breath was ragged.

If he wasn’t careful, she would cost him more than his bachelorhood. And that was entirely unacceptable. The company was all that mattered. Business was business and pleasure was pleasure. He’d never mixed the two before and he wasn’t about to start now.

Chapter 7

The next morning, Janna rolled over and groaned. Her mouth felt stuffed with cotton, her head felt three times its normal size, and her first attempt to open her eyes were met with significant resistance.

She rubbed her hands over her face and focused on her fuzzy memories of the night before. Her and Nassir, dinner in the treehouse, the kiss… She bolted upright in bed, then clutched the mattress as the room spun around her.

Oh, God. The kiss.

After several more moments to allow her equilibrium to settle, Janna stumbled from the bed and headed for the bathroom. Half an hour later, she’d showered and brushed her teeth and felt at least marginally human again. The two aspirin she’d swallowed had definitely helped.

She took a deep breath and hung her head. No way around it. She couldn’t stay here. Not after making out with the groom. That was not who she was. She was a professional. These things simply did not happen to her. She placed all of her toiletries back into her travel bag then headed back into bedroom.

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