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“I’m your Sheikh, and I’d feel more comfortable if Poppy stayed,” Samir said airily and waved his hands. His word was final.

His bodyguard stepped away and immediately pulled out his phone. Samir had no doubt that the man was ordering a full background check on the woman. Security was responsible for approving the hiring at all the safe houses, so Samir wasn’t worried. If Poppy was dangerous, she never would have gotten the job.

“Your Highness, I can assure you that while Ms. Milenne is a bit…unconventional, she’s highly trained and very good at her job. She’s an excellent servant, and she’ll see to all your needs.”

All his needs? That made him smile. “What’s her story?”

“Story? I believe Ms. Milenne is saving up to attend graduate school. She has a bachelor’s degree in anthropology.”

“And why is she working here? Military child?”

Emine shook her head and shrugged. “She’s not here with family. I’m not sure why she’s here, but there were no red flags in her report.”

Interesting. Samir was used to beautiful women. Poppy’s thick blonde curls and dark brown eyes were eye-catching, and her curvy body was enough to make any man look twice, but that wasn’t what caught Samir’s attention. It was that sassy mouth. Even though he was third in line for the crown, women still kissed his ass wherever he went. They wanted to warm his bed at night and decorate his arm during the day. Normally, Samir loved the attention, but lately he’d been getting bored. The women were all the same. While he would readily boast that he was looking for a challenge, if he were truthful, he wanted something more. Something he would be hard-pressed to find given his lineage.

Poppy had only treated him poorly because she didn’t realize who he was. Now that she knew, she’d probably be like every other woman he came in contact with. The thought depressed him, but at least he wouldn’t have to spend the next few days with only Melka to keep him company. While the man was like a brother to him, his constant vigilance grew tiresome. The man really did need to learn to relax once in a while.

Emine looked around nervously. “I apologize that we hadn’t quite finished getting ready. We didn’t expect you until later. I’d be more than happy to stay and help Poppy finish cleaning, and I can have Taj, our groundskeeper, shovel the walkway.”

“There’s no need for you to stay,” Samir murmured. “I’m sure everything is in good condition. It’s not like anyone stays here to mess it up. I will ask that the groundskeeper stay for a few more hours though. Weather reports say that the snow isn’t going to let up anytime soon, so we’ll need to clear as much as possible.”

“I’ll let him know right away,” Emine said with a bright smile. It looked almost terrifying, and Samir had a feeling that the old woman didn’t smile often. “The delivery boy should be here soon so we can stock the kitchen with your favorites, and I’ll give Poppy the recipes. I assure you that she’ll stay out of sight, but all you have to do is call her if you need her. She sleeps in the downstairs bedroom, and the Master bedroom upstairs is all ready for you.”

If he had his way, Poppy would not be staying in the shadows. Samir thanked the older woman and dismissed her. He could tell that the woman was relieved to leave. No doubt, she wanted to get home before the roads closed. If Emine and the groundskeeper didn’t leave soon, they’d be snowed in with them and while Samir enjoyed socializing, he suspected that spending the week with Emine would be less fun and more hassle.

Alone, Samir walked slowly around the living room. Al-Harmid was a peaceful country, unlike some of their neighbors. There hadn’t been an attempt on the Shadid family in generations, so he’d never seen any of the safe houses before; although he knew that they’d been recently renovated to update the security equipment, which were now relatively imperceptible unless you knew what you were looking for. The cabin blended in with the other homes in the area and it wasn’t much to look at from the outside, but it was fairly impressive inside. Not nearly as impressive as the palace, but Samir didn’t mind roughing it for a few days.

God, he hoped that it was only for a few days.


He turned his head to see Poppy standing in the doorway. “The housekeeper is gone, and she’s informed me that I’m to be at your disposal.”

It didn’t slip past him that she hadn’t said that she would be at his disposal. “Very good,” he said in a silky voice. Her pupils dilated, and he grinned inwardly. She was attracted to him.

Clearing her throat again, she straightened and took a deep breath. “Have you had dinner, or do you require something to eat before you retire for the evening?”

“I’ve had dinner, but I have no plans to retire yet. I’m a little juiced from the events this evening.”

“It’s ten o’clock.”

“So it is. I don’t suppose you have some ideas of what we could do tonight?” What he wouldn’t give to slide his hands under her baggy t-shirt and stroke the naked skin of her abdomen until she moaned.

As if she could read his thoughts, her eyes widened in panic. “I actually have a few chores that I need to finish, and I haven’t had dinner, so I’m afraid that I won’t be able to entertain you.”

Before he could remind her that he was the one who gave the orders, headlights swept over the windows. “Oh, thank God. That’s probably the delivery guy,” she muttered. Even though she still wasn’t dressed appropriately, she opened the front door and plunged out into the darkness to greet him.

Stunned by her reaction, Samir stared. Apparently, she preferred the bitter cold weather to his company. That was new.

Standing at the window, he watched as she and some scrawny kid fought with a giant Christmas tree that was strapped to the roof of the car. Frowning, he stared at it. Who the hell had asked for a Christmas tree?

Did Poppy celebrate? He hadn’t even considered the possibility.

The truth was that at one time, the Shadid family did celebrate Christmas. His mother had adored the Western tradition, but when she passed away, his father had ordered all the Christmas decorations be tossed out. That was twenty years ago.

Melka was still on the phone and stood off to the side, watching. Samir thought about ordering the man to help, but for some reason, he really wanted to see Poppy in action.

It was a fight, but Poppy seemed determined. He felt a strange delight in watching her climb on top of the car and shove the tree off. It would probably sustain some damage.

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