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Their path through the ballroom was cut short when two men stepped into their path.

Mila recognized them immediately. “Asad!” She reached out and hugged him. “How’s Liyah? I feel like I haven’t spoken to her in a week!”

“You and me both,” he answered in his deep voice as he hugged her back. “She gets in the library, and I have to drag her out just to remind her to eat.”

“Khalid!” Mila smiled warmly at the youngest brother. He was the most reserved of the three, quiet and attentive. From what she could tell, only his brothers brought out the playful side that he kept hidden from the world. He was the mysterious heartthrob in the family. His devastating good looks had most of the women in the city yearning for him. “It’s good to see you again.”

He graced her with a small smile. “You too, Mila.”

“Is my brother showing you a good time?” Asad asked. His voice was cold as he eyed Rashid.

Mila frowned. “Well, I just got here, so we haven’t gotten very far. In fact, we haven’t even made it to the buffet table, and I’m starving.”

Rashid tightened his grip around her waist. “You heard her. She’s starving. It wouldn’t be polite to keep the lady waiting.”

There was tension in the air, and Mila tried to figure out what was happening. Just when she thought that Asad was going to say something else, he looked around and relaxed. “Mila, I hope you enjoy the party. I don’t suppose you’ve seen Amira around anywhere, have you?”

“She went her own way,” Mila said as she scanned the crowd. It was hard to spot the beauty in the midst of the glitz and glamour. “I’m sure she found something to entertain her.”

“That’s what I’m worried about,” Asad said under his breath. “Sometimes it’s difficult to keep her in line—but then, it runs in the family.”

Rashid just smirked and gently pushed Mila forward. “Good luck finding her, brother.”

As they walked away, she glanced over her shoulder. “What was that all about?”

“Nothing for you to worry about. I just want you to have a good time.”

Mila’s stomach rumbled as they got closer to the buffet table. She practically salivated over the delicious-looking chicken kabobs, falafel balls, sambousak pockets, grilled veggies, and roasted chickpeas. Soon, with Rashid’s charm and wit, she was able to relax and forget all about the uncomfortable confrontation, and she didn’t find it hard to do exactly as he asked. Once again, she had a wonderful time with Rashid. He pulled her close while they danced and whispered compliments in her ear. The feel of his breath on her ear was enough to make her heart skip a beat, and she closed her eyes and let his warmth embrace her.

She spied Amira a few times, dancing with her many admirers and laughing. Amira winked a few times when Mila caught her eye, but she didn’t interrupt. Mila had a suspicious feeling that this had been her plan all along. Force her to the party so she could enjoy Rashid.

Her companion stowed away his usual commanding attitude and politely introduced her to friends of the family, but they never lingered long enough in one place to really have a conversation. Her mind whirled with new names and faces, and when she asked Rashid to slow down, he pulled her back onto the dance floor.

“Just enjoy, Mila,” he whispered in her ear as he pulled her close. “Just enjoy the night.”

Leaning closer to him, she did just that.


At the end of the evening, Rashid walked Mila out to the car. He could feel the change in her. Her expression was softer when she gazed at him, and her smile seemed more genuine.

It was a huge step in the right direction. As much as he wanted her in his bed, he didn’t want to push it.

Amira was already waiting in the car, and she tapped the imaginary watch on her wrist.

He rolled his eyes at his sister and pointedly turned his back on the car, smiling down at Mila. “I’m glad you joined me,” he said softly as he swept a strand of hair behind Mila’s ear. “I can honestly say that this is the most fun that I’ve had at one of these galas in a long time.”

She graced him with a beautiful smile. “I can definitely say that it’s the best time I’ve ever had at a gala.”

“It’s your first one,” he pointed out with a chuckle.

“You don’t know that. I might be the kind of woman who crashes galas all the time.”

“It would not surprise me,” he murmured.

Her lips parted just a little, and he wondered what she would do if he leaned in and kissed her. He was dying to learn her taste. Instead, he brought her hand up to his mouth and kissed her open palm.

Her eyes widened, and he brushed his thumb over her wrist. “Sweet dreams, Mila.”

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