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"She never minds if she misses. Never gets frustrated and quits. She knows that sooner or later, she will succeed."

In the end, Kazakh came back with a snake in her talons. That had Ginni giving a small screech and hiding behind Nasim. He almost laughed at her, but she glared at him, warned him snakes were no laughing matter, and told him he could just get rid of it, and she didn't care if it was already dead or not.

He rewarded Kazakh for her hunting, gave orders for her to have some of the snake in her meal that evening, and led Ginni from the rear gardens and back inside. They'd spent more than a few hours outside, and he was glad to step back into the cool of the palace. Ginni walked with him, asking questions about how he'd gotten started with falconry, if it was popular in Zahkim, and if he'd ever lost one of his falcons, having it just take off.

"I mean, don't you think they'd want to be out in the open sky, really?"

"Perhaps. But Kazakh has always come back to me when I call. I think that must mean she is content. As I hope you will be." He ushered her into the central gardens.

He'd ordered a meal to be waiting for them—fresh oysters, crab and lobster flown in just for this meal, the finest aged beef from Japan, pheasant from his favorite restaurant in London, capon from Paris, and even a few dishes from Ginni's New Orleans, made with catfish and alligator. Ginni's eyes widened as she took in the candlelit table—set with the palace china and crystal only for the two of them. Nasim snapped his fingers, and music from a jazz band hidden at the far end of the garden sweetened the evening air.

Ginni glanced at him. "Wow—you sure know how to impress."

He held her chair for her, and the dishes were served to them, one after the other. Her delight in food had him smiling. "You, Virginia Leeland, are a sensualist."

She sipped at the beer he'd made available for her. "I've been called worse."

They finished the main courses, and servants cleared the table, leaving behind delicate pastries, fresh fruit, and cups of chilled sorbet. Ginni glanced at them and groaned. "I couldn't eat one more bite, but I'd sure like to.

Pushing back his chair, Nasim stood and held out his hand. "Dance with me."

She glanced at his hand and then up at his face. "Well…we should talk some business. But I could do with working off some of that meal."

"You can talk and dance."

She gave a laugh. "I sure hope so."

Taking hold of her hand, he pulled her onto her feet and into his arms. Now he could see the use of those once much-hated dance lessons he'd been given. He twirled Ginni around and pulled her back into his arms. "So why should Zahkim contract with Leeland Enterprises? Your father's company has a reputation for—"

"For what?" She pulled back a little bit and met his stare. Her hips, however, pressed against his, moved against him. "Bein' smart?"


"Ending up owning others." He twirled her again, under one arm, and then wrapped his arm around her waist. "Zahkim could expand its current fleet of tanker trucks."

"And train a whole bunch of operators fast enough? Then there's the logistics of loading and unloading, plus you don't have a fleet of tanker ships waiting on any docks, now do you? You hire ships, and that costs you." She touched a finger to a spot just under his jaw and ran her touch down his neck. "Takes time and money to build all that structure—a lot more than you'd be paying Leeland."

He smiled and pulled her closer. The music slowed. He swayed with her under the just-emerging stars. "What assurance do I have that Zahkim will not end up paying…too much?"

"Isn't business always a risk?" she asked, her voice breathy now. "But…we could put clauses…in the contract. Now couldn't we?"

She stared up at him, eyes huge. Her breasts pressed against his chest, her hips swayed, and he could no longer think about business. Lips pressed tight, he swept her up in his arms. She gave a small squeak. "Cher, I'm no lightweight."

"No, you're my wife." Carrying her out of the garden, he headed for the stairs.

She put her head on his shoulder. "I always wished a guy'd come along and sweep me off my feet—never figured I'd find one."

"Well, I could throw you onto a saddle and ride out into the desert with you."

She giggled. "That sounds…uncomfortable."

Reaching his room at the palace, he stepped inside, kicked the door closed and carried Ginni into the bedroom. He put her down and pulled off his keffiyeh.

Eyes alight, Ginni sat up. "Keep going." She kicked off her shoes.

He stripped off his boots and threw off his robe and shirt. She reached behind her, unzipped her dress, and shimmied out of it, leaving her clad only in scraps of black lace that barely covered her. Nasim slipped out of his trousers, left them pooled onto the floor. Ginni's eyebrows rose high. "No underwear underneath. I'll have to keep that in mind."

He covered her body with his, pressed her down into the mattress, took her mouth with his. She wrapped her legs around him, reached between them—and suddenly he found himself on his back, with her over him, her eyes bright. He frowned at her.

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