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“Yes, and no. They have spotted two figures heading back to Sumari on the satellite feeds. Talib and the young American woman – PJ, are heading towards them right now. The rest of the American team is setting up a base operation inside Sumari, and the new leadership is rounding up as many of the extremists as they can.”

Khalil raised an eyebrow, “Brother, you’ve been busy.”

Kamal nodded his head, “Little good it has done. If that young man has harmed so much as one hair on her head…”

“Kamal, you can’t think like that,” Patty told him, giving him her mother stare for emphasis.

Khalil watched as Kamal simply nodded, amazed that not only had he not corrected her familiar use of his name, but he had responded to her reprimand much like he would have had their own mother still been alive. Khalil and the Malone’s seemed to have developed a rapport with each other, for which Khalil was very thankful. He hoped to have time to develop his own relationship with them, but for now he needed to focus on helping Kamal find his missing bride.

“Brother, if you have time to update me on the operation I will lend my assistance where I can.”

Kamal nodded at Khalil before turning to address the others in the room, “Shira, I’m glad to have you back in Jawhara. Mr. and Mrs. Malone, I’ll leave you to catch up with Shira. If you will follow Zahia, she will show you to the family dining hall. Khalil and I will join you shortly.”

A slight young woman appeared from a side door, dressed in the colorful clothing so favored by the women of the country, smiling openly at Shira as the two greeted each other. Khalil watched as they followed Zahia out of the room before following Kamal back to his office and the computers.

“Tell me what is happening and how I can help?” Khalil said, taking a seat in front of the large computer screen.

“Talib thinks they have spotted Erin and her kidnapper making their way towards the border. He and the American woman are travelling towards them, hoping to identify them and neutralize the threat he poses.

“The other Americans have already set up a communications base inside Sumari. They contacted me only moments before you arrived. They haven’t made contact with Talib yet, but they are hoping to do so soon.”

“It’s getting dark,” Khalil stated, walking to the large windows that overlooked the palace gardens. “The kidnapper will most likely stop for the night.”

“I hope he does. That will give Talib some time to catch up to him. They have been monitoring the progress of the images via satellite, but with the delay and time needed to reposition them from time to time, we’ve lost visual contact. The Americans are hoping to send up a high-altitude drone and get a heat signature within a few hours, but there is the Brock that the drone will be heard or seen, which could endanger Erin’s life.”

“I take it they have left the decision up to you?” Khalil asked.

Kamal nodded, “While I would love for them to positively identify Erin and her attacker, I do not wish to do anything which might put her in greater jeopardy.”

Khalil nodded, glad that he was not having to make this decision in regards to Shira. “What are you going to do?”

Kamal grimaced, “For the first time since assuming reign of Jawhara, I can honestly say I don’t know. I hate this situation!” I hate feeling like my hands are tied and I’m at the mercy of this unknown assailant! I hate knowing that another holds my future happiness in their hands!

Khalil could see the growing frustration on his brother’s face and tried to lessen it, “Why don’t you do nothing for now? Give Talib and his companion a Brock to locate the kidnapper and Erin. If in a few hours they’ve made no progress, you can still send up the drone before morning dawns.”

Kamal gave his brother a grateful smile, “Thank you, Khalil. That is good advice and the perfect solution to my present dilemma. I will contact the team immediately and let them know a decision has been made. If you want to join the others, I will be with you in a few moments.”

Khalil nodded his head and took his leave. Kamal needed time to reassert his control of this situation. As he headed towards the family dining area, he had no doubt in his mind that Talib would do everything possible to locate Erin and bring her safely home.

Chapter 9

“We will stop here for the night.” Amir dropped the donkey’s reins, walking away and leaving Erin to get herself down from the animal’s back once again.

She lifted her leg over its back, and then slowly lowered herself to the ground, maintaining a firm grip on the donkey’s bridal in case her legs should give out again. When the trembling stopped, she patted the donkey’s neck, thanking him for lending her some much needed support, she removed her veil and walked a short distance away to sit down upon the sand.

Erin had never been in the desert at night, and she was starting to be thankful for the hateful outfit Amir had made her wear. Once the sun went down, the temperature dropped rapidly and she knew that before morning came she would most likely be shivering with cold.

Amir removed several items from the packs the donkey carried upon its back, nearing his captive and tossing her a paper wrapped package containing some dried meat, dried fruit, and a crust of bread. He also tossed her a water skin, saying, “Drink sparingly. That is all the water you will get until we reach the first town inside Sumari.”

“And when will that be,” Erin asked, taking a careful sip of the life-giving water.

“Sometime tomorrow late afternoon. If we are lucky, we will find some hidden vessels of water in the caves, but it’s better to plan without them.”

“Caves?” Erin asked, cringing at the thought of being under ground.

“Do not worry about it! Eat and then sleep.” Amir turned his back to her and proceeded to follow his own advice. After finishing his meal, he stood up and retrieved two lengths of rope from the donkey’s pack. “Give me your hands and feet,” he commanded her.

“Please! I promise I won’t try to escape. That would be suicide for someone in my condition. Please don’t tie me up.”

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