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PJ sighed, “I wish I had better news for you. We’ve searched every tent in the camp, and there’s no sign of her anywhere.”

“Search again.”

PJ stared at the man, her ire growing at his demand. “Now, wait a minute. I just got done telling you we searched each tent. I don’t think she’s still here. I think whoever took her managed to slip past us and has crossed the border.”

“You would be wrong. I have personally reviewed all of the satellite footage and no one has crossed the border in the last twelve hours. No. One. That means that she is still in this camp and I want her found.”

PJ was impressed that he had access to satellite feeds and had thought to search through them. “No one has crossed the border?”

“That is correct. That means she is still here in the camp.”

PJ didn’t like the fact that the teams had missed finding her during the first search. She whistled, gaining everyone’s attention and asked, “Would you mind telling everyone what you just told me? My Arabic is rusty and they keep correcting me. Tell them that we search each tent again, but this time, every nook and cranny of each tent will be gone through. I also want all of the occupants of each tent outside while we search.”

Talib was impressed with her plan; one he would have implemented himself given the chance. He quickly spoke to the guards and worker’s present, telling them to divide themselves up into groups of four. Two would search the tent, and two would stand guard outside with the tent’s occupants. At the first sign of struggle or if they found Miss Malone, they would fire their weapons into the air three times and hold their position until help arrived.

After everyone dispersed, PJ found herself alone with Talib. “How is the Sheikh doing?”

“He longs for something to destroy. Your boss arrived just as I was leaving the palace. I imagine he and the men he has brought with him will join us soon.”

PJ nodded, having already received a text from Slade that he was in country and headed her way. “She has to be here, somewhere. Two people cannot just have disappeared so easily.”

Talib thought about her words and then placed a call on his phone. PJ listened to him, only picking up pieces of his conversation, enough to know that he was making inquiries into the guard who was also missing.

The grim expression on his face told her all was not well back at the palace. “What?!”

“The guard that with her when she disappeared.”

“Yeah, what about him?” PJ demanded, wondering if they had missed something.

“I suspected he had something to do with Miss Malone’s disappearance and I was correct. When I asked for them to do a background check on him, I never looked at it. I was sent to retrieve Miss Malone’s parents when it hit my desk.”

“Well, what did we miss?”

“He’s the son of a conservative Islamic group, based in the country next door. His father most recently served as the Minister of Foreign Affairs before the war broke out. He was killed when the rebels took over the palace.”

“So is this a revenge thing, then?”

“No. It is a holy war. The conservative group he belongs to abhors the new western influences on their culture. They wish to practice Islam the way their forefathers practiced it, and their fathers before them.”

“But that’s archaic! No civilization remains the same century after century!”

“They do not see it that way. They see it as protecting and maintaining the purity of their beliefs.”

PJ let the impact of what he was telling her sink in. Fighting a holy war was much harder than fighting for democracy or justice. PJ stared at Talib, seeing the answering knowledge in his eyes. The stakes were much higher than originally thought and it was imperative that they locate the missing bride of the Sheikh. The future of Jawhara hung in the balance, as well as the peace the region was currently enjoying.

PJ walked away, intent on making sure the American agents with her knew the game had just changed. Talib watched the small woman walk away from him, admiring her small compact form and swinging blonde hair.

Talib had always had a fondness for blondes, ever since he had accompanied Kale to Harvard. Women with blonde hair were not a normal occurrence in his part of the world, and he had always found the contrast between their coloring and his own striking.

He hoped that this situation could be resolved quickly. Kamal had already informed him that the American security team would be staying in country for a minimum of two months. Talib smiled to himself as he thought of all the things he could show the little American spitfire in that amount of time.

Bringing his thoughts back around to the present, he headed in the opposite direction. He would plan the seduction of the little American after Miss Malone was found. It would be his way of celebrating a job well done. He only hoped she could be encouraged to celebrate with him.

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