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“Good afternoon, Your Highness.”

Shira turned to Kale, a question upon her face, “Your Highness? But I thought Kam…”

“All Crown Princes are referred to in this way. Kamal’s correct title is Your Majesty. I trust you can remember that?” Kale looked at her and when she nodded, smiled and gestured for her to take a seat.

Shira chose a seat near the window, watching with interest as Kale spoke to the attendant in Arabic before joining her. “Rihana will bring you some refreshment as soon as we are airborne.”

Shira nodded, still trying to understand how the plans had changed so quickly. “Did Rick or Damon call you?”

Kale took the seat next to Shira, taking her hands in his and chafing them sl

ightly. “No. It had already been decided that I would fly your team out in our private jet. When Rick and Damon explained the need for them to stay behind, along with the rest of the team, I offered to make myself available to you and help facilitate your work in Jawhara.”

Shira nodded, looking up into Kale’s eyes and quickly becoming lost in their warmth. Feeling herself sway towards him slightly, she fought the urge to lean against him. The feelings his hands were creating in her body were quickly becoming hard to ignore. She glanced down at their joined hands and was transported back to the last time his hands had touched her.

They had celebrated the end of the negotiations between her company and his country and had retired to his hotel room after several hours of dancing at local clubs. Shira had been full of energy and enthralled with Kale’s attention.

She had been secretly trying to attract his attention during the months of negotiations, but he had kept her at arm’s length. When she had walked into the banquet hall, he had immediately captured her attention and kept her close to his side the rest of the night.

They had just settled themselves upon a rug in front of the fireplace, sharing lingering kisses and touches when his phone had rung. Cursing, Kale had answered the phone, growing still and silent as he listened. Evidently, a major catastrophe was brewing in his country and he and his brother were needed to fly back immediately.

He had given her once last smoldering kiss, full of promise and longing, and then asked his driver to take her home. He had programmed her phone with his direct line and had called her almost every day since then. Talking to her for hours about his childhood, her upbringing and their dreams and hopes for the future. He had been amazed at how much they had in common and quickly become enamored of her.

When Kamal had instructed him to fly to America and escort the Addams Group team back to Jawhara, he had called Rick and Damon and made sure Shira was one of the team he would be escorting. Talks had quickly escalated from a visit to setting up another office in Jawhara. Rick and Damon had not missed his attraction to Shira, nor hers to him, and had suggested that Shira might be a good candidate to stay on in Jawhara and manage their first international office.

Kale had kept his enthusiasm for the plan to himself, secretly rejoicing that his task of convincing Shira to remain in Jawhara long-term would not be that hard. Based upon her reaction only moments before in the airport terminal, the long-term plans for her employment hadn’t been discussed with her yet.

Kale would make sure that Rick and Damon corrected that as quickly as possible. He wanted Shira to grab hold of this adventure and start making plans to stay in Jawhara – permanently.

Chapter 3

Several hours into the flight, Kale glanced up from his laptop to see Shira nodding off, slumped over in her seat. Setting down his computer, he rose and sat next to her once again, “Shira? Habibiti, wake up.”

Shira stirred when she felt Kale’s hands upon her neck, massaging lightly, bringing forth a moan of pleasure. “That feels so good,” she murmured, opening her eyes to see him watching her carefully.

“Would you like to lie down and sleep, little one?” Kale asked, letting his hand play with the tendrils of hair that had escaped the dark red hair she had pulled up atop her head.

Shira glanced at the small couch and then shook her head, “No, I’m fine.”

Seeing her glance, Kale chuckled, “Not on that too small couch. There is a perfectly decadent bedroom in the back part of the plane with a very comfortable king-sized bed. Come, I will show you.”

Rising, he pulled Shira up from her seat, holding her to ensure she found her balance before turning her and guiding her towards the back of the plane, his hands still upon her waist.

Shira let him lead her towards a doorway, which he opened by reaching over her shoulder and punching a code into the keypad. He let his fingers skim her upper chest and shoulder upon their retreat and Shira shivered in reaction.

When the doorway opened, it was to a luxurious bedroom done in gold’s and baby blue tones. The large king-sized bed took up the majority of the space, but she could see a bathroom off to one side, and what appeared to be a closet as well. The four-poster bed looked so inviting; yet, out of place considering they were on an airplane, thirty thousand feet in the sky!

“Kale, this is amazing!” she said, turning to find herself nose to chest with him. She inhaled and made to move backwards, but his hands kept her locked tight against him. Her senses swamped with his unique scent had her knees threatening to buckle. She had lain awake many a night, remembering his smell – remembering his touch.

Pulling her even closer, he dipped his head and murmured, “I’m glad you like it,” just before capturing her lips with his own. Kissing her deeply for several minutes, he didn’t break the kiss until he felt her hands creep up his chest, wrapping around his neck.

Sighing, he rested his chin atop her head, “I’ve been dying to do that since you walked into the airport.”

Shira snuggled into his embrace, echoing his sentiment, “I’ve been dying for you to kiss me just as long.”

Moving them both further into the room, Kale pushed the door shut behind him with his foot and led her over to the bed. Pulling back the covers, he then proceeded to unbutton her shirt, pulling it down her arms amidst her protests. Clad in only a thin camisole, he did his best to rein in his desire and calm her.

“Shush. You will sleep more comfortably if you’re not fighting your clothing. Remove your jeans and I will find you a t-shirt to wear to preserve your modesty.” Kale deliberately strode across the room, giving her a few minutes to follow his commands.

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