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“What’s happened?” Shira inquired after Kale disconnected the call.

“We are leaving for Jawhara tonight. Whatever else needs to be done can either be done long distance, or we will return at a later time.”

“Kale? I don’t understand. We won’t supposed to leave…”

“Shira, I don’t know any other way to say this, so I’m just going to tell you straight out. Erin is missing.”

“No!” Shira yelled, “Where is she?”

“We don’t know,” Kale said, shaking his head and grabbing onto her hands, “She was in the refugee camp and has disappeared along with her bodyguard.”

Shira looked at Kale, not sure why he sneered at the mention of the bodyguard. Then it hit her! “You think the bodyguard was in on it, don’t you?”

Kale nodded, “I’m afraid that is what it looks like. He is a young man and has only been working with the palace guard for a few weeks.”

“They won’t hurt her, will they?”

“I hope not. If one hair is removed from her head, Kamal will show them no mercy. Unlike you soft Americans, crimes are punished harshly and swiftly in Jawhara. We do not have prisons full of criminals. They either rehabilitate and join society as productive citizens, or they will find themselves facing a firing squad.”

“Firing squad? Is that how you meet out the death penalty in Jawhara?” Shira was curious to learn more about the country she was now going to

call her own.

“Yes. Any attack against the Sheikh is punishable by death. That protection is extended to his family as well. An attack against you or your cousin bears no difference according to our laws, than an attack against Kamal himself.”

“Wow! That’s why your country has such a low crime rate.”

“Exactly! Have no fear, when the perpetrators of this atrocity are found, their judgment will come swiftly. But first, your cousin must be found.”

In Jawhara, Kamal was dealing with Erin’s disappearance the only way he knew how. By demanding her return! The dissidents might not be in agreement with the refugees returning home, but return home they would. If they thought to hold his bride hostage and strong-arm him into cancelling the recent negotiations, they were about to be sadly disappointed. Sheikh Kamal Mehalel El-Jawhara bowed to no one. He did not negotiate with terrorists or criminals. He always protected that which was his. Erin and her unborn child were his. He would protect them with his life!

Chapter 18

Talib had located Erin’s parents easily as her mother had the same dark red-hair as the daughter. They had been pleased to meet him and full of all kinds of questions. Talib had tried his best to answer them, but would be glad when they reached Jawhara. The couple was currently sleeping in the jet’s bedroom, and he hoped they would continue to do so.

He was a personal bodyguard to the Sheikh and his future Sheikha, not an encyclopedia. The woman had wanted to know the history of Jawhara, what kind of culture and people would her daughter be living amongst – the questions had caused his head to hurt.

Kamal had best prepare himself or he would regret bringing them in for the wedding. Picking up the phone, he placed a call to Kamal, “Your Majesty, I just wanted to let you know I have Miss Malone’s parents and we are already airborne and headed back to Jawhara.”

The silence on the other end of the phone struck Talib as abnormal, yet his training kept him silent for several minutes. Finally Kamal spoke, “Erin is missing.”

“What?!” Talib asked with a shout, quieting his voice with the hopes that his outburst wouldn’t rouse the Malone’s from their slumber. He was through answering questions for the trip.

“She was in the refugee camp and has disappeared. Her guard is missing as well.”

Talib digested this information, “Have the American’s shown up yet?”

“Yes. They are scouring the area for her even know.”

“When did this occur?” Talib inquired, knowing that the sooner they could locate Erin after her abduction, the less chance of her or the baby coming to any harm.

Kamal looked at his watch before replying, “Two hours. She’s been missing for two hours.”

“Your Majesty, don’t give up hope. She will be found. I will personally oversee the operation upon my return in six hours.”

“Thank you Talib. I know you will do everything you can to bring her home and serve justice to those who have taken her from me.”

“Yes, Your Majesty. I will see you soon.”

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