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Looking up at him, she tried to convey her confusing thoughts, “We’ve only just met. Isn’t this too soon…”

Kam gave her a tender smile before leaning down and capturing her lips in a searing kiss once again. “Does it not feel right? This chemistry we have between us?”

Erin nodded; it did feel right. She didn’t understand it, but decided that for once in her life she was going to take what was being offered. She would deal with the consequences, if there were any, at a later time.

Chapter 6

“Yes, it feels right.” She gave him a tremulous smile and then stepped closer to him, wrapping one arm around his shoulders, and letting the other hand skim down his chest until she encountered his hardness.

Kamal was quickly loosing what little control he sti

ll had and scooped her up, depositing her in the middle of her bed. Joining her, he began to discover all of the places that made her breath catch. His hands and lips travelled across her body, discovering the lushness of her breasts and the slight swell of her belly below. It was as if her body had been made for his pleasure.

When she was squirming beneath him and urging him on, he realized that in his haste he had forgotten to bring protection with him. He knew that a phone call to his driver would remedy the situation in mere minutes, but doing so would also destroy the chemistry currently boiling between them.

Erin felt him pause in his assault upon her senses, and when he dropped his head to her chest and took several slow breaths, she wondered at the cause. “Kam?”

“I cannot protect you, habibti. I am so sorry.”

Puzzled, Erin tried to follow his line of thinking when his words finally registered. Slowly smiling, she met his eyes and shook her head, “Don’t worry about it. I protect myself.”

Kam felt his anger rise at the notion that she felt she needed to protect herself from anything, but as her meaning dawned on him, he realized that in this instance he would forgive her American boldness. “So, there is no reason I cannot continue?”

“None at all,” Erin assured him. Moaning as he proceeded to do just that. Bringing her pleasure to new heights before hurtling her over the cliff, into a place where time and all thought of responsibilities fled. Kam felt her fly over the edge and followed her, capturing her scream of pleasure with his mouth.

Kamal collapsed over her, leaning up on one elbow to keep the weight of his body from crushing her. After several minutes, he reluctantly rolled from her bed, locating the adjoining bathroom and washing himself. After returning to the bed, he proceeded to wash her as well, amidst her blushes and assurances that she could see to herself. “Habibti, it is not only my duty, but my extreme pleasure to care for you. Shush.”

“What does that word mean?” Erin asked him, finally relaxing her legs and allowing him to wipe the evidence of their passion from her body.

‘Habibiti? It is a form of endearment used by my countrymen.”

“Like ‘sweetheart’ or ‘sugar’?”

Shaking his head, Kam tossed the towel towards the bathroom and climbed back into the bed. Wrapping his arms around her, he pulled her back against his chest, spooning her into his body before he replied, “Not quite. I’m not sure there is an American version of the word.”

When he drew silent, Erin realized that there were probably many words that didn’t translate between his language and hers. Closing her eyes, she smiled as the thought that actions were a better means of communicating anyway. She and Kam had definitely proven that.

They proved that several more times throughout the night. Kam awakened her with kisses and caresses designed to fuel her desire and make her crazy for him. Erin slept after each interlude, snuggling into his arms and wishing for the night to never end.

When Kam heard the knock upon her front door, he grimaced and slowly moved her from his arms, hoping not to wake her. Grabbing his pants from the front room, he donned them before opening the door to greet his driver and the phone he was holding out.

Giving the driver a rueful glance, Kamal placed the phone to his ear. Hearing the words of the caller quickly changed his feelings from contentment and relaxation to anger and deep concern. After a terse goodbye, he instructed his driver to call the airport and make sure his jet was fueled and ready to leave within the hour. His brother was to be found and brought to the airport as well.

Heading back inside the home, he quickly finished dressing before returning to her bedroom. He hated leaving her like this, but it couldn’t be helped. Jawhara was a peaceful nation for the most part, but it seemed that a neighboring country had erupted overnight into civil war. Refugees were streaming across the borders into Jawhara, and his military leaders were afraid that country borders would be ineffective in stopping the fighting from following them into his country.

He and his brother’s presence were required in Jawhara immediately. Bending down, he placed a gentle kiss upon her temple, letting his lips travel to her own as she roused slightly. “Habibti, I must go. Continue to sleep. I will contact you when I am able.”

Erin heard his murmured words, but was too tired to think much of them. She heard him tell her goodbye, and snuggled back down under the covers hoping he would return soon.

Kamal took one more look at the woman who had rocked his world and captured his heart. He wanted nothing more than to carry her off and take her with him, but Jawhara was in jeopardy and he needed to ensure that it was a safe place before bringing her there. Her safety and well-being were his responsibility.

After instructing one of his bodyguards that he would be remaining in the states to watch over his woman, he allowed his driver to deliver him to the airport. Spying his brother, he realized that he was not the only one cursing their need to return now. Khalil looked fighting mad and ready to take on whoever had caused this disruption to his time in the states.

Kamal assured him that all would be made right. Priorities dictated that their country be set to rights, and then they could both return to claim the women they intended to make their wives.

Chapter 7

Erin awoke the next morning, immediately sensing that she was alone in her bed. Sitting up, she looked around for any signs that Kam had been there, but found nothing – not even a note. As she was beginning to think poorly of him, she remembered him having woken her up sometime in the early hours of the morning and telling her, he was needed at home.

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