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Erin gave into the passion that Kamal released in her. She had wondered if the chemistry between them had been more fantasy than reality. As she came down from space, she

acknowledged that the reality of Kamal was much better than any fantasy she could dream up.

Chapter 18

Kamal removed his weight form her and pulled her against his side. Catching his breath, he spoke softly to her, “Habibti, we must speak about your actions while I was gone.”

Erin stiffened against him, but feeling his hand run down her back, she relaxed and listened.

“You belong to me. You are my responsibility, one I take very seriously. When you willingly put yourself in danger, it is a form of disrespect to me and to my position. Do you understand?”

Erin struggled to remain silent. He thought he owned her? “Kam, you cannot own another person.” When he was silent, she continued, “I didn’t mean to disrespect you, but I’ve been an adult for a long time. I’m not used to asking someone else for permission to do things.”

Kamal knew she was trying to work things out in her mind and kept silent.

“I’m not used to having anyone else, besides Shira anyway, worry about me. My parents trust me to take care of myself.”

“I trust you to take care of yourself, but there are certain protocols as my wife you must follow.”

“I’m not your wife yet,” she reminded him.

“Merely a technicality. One that could be rectified this evening.”

“No,” Erin hurried to answer. “Really. Besides, my parents would be very disappointed if I got married and they weren’t given the opportunity to attend.”

“Where are your parents? I will have them brought to Jawhara immediately.”

Erin laughed, “I don’t know where they are. Dad and Mom are on a world-cruise and still have several weeks left. They are probably somewhere around Australia about now.”

Kamal was disappointed to hear that bringing her parents her would not be a simple task, but that had never stopped him before. “Give me the name of the ship they are on and I will make sure they are contacted. Do you wish Shira to return for your wedding as well?”

Erin looked up at him, “You’re not going to let this whole marriage thing drop are you?”

“Absolutely not. You will be marrying me before the month ends. Now, answer the question.”

“Yes. I want Shira here. I didn’t know she had gone back to the states until we were already in the air.”

“Khalil and she are scheduled to return in six weeks’ time. I will contact him in the morning and make sure that they return no later than three weeks from now. You may provide me a list of items you wish transported to Jawhara and he will ensure it is taken care of. I have already notified your foundation that you will not be returning to your job. They wish you well.”

Erin was stunned, “You talked to my work? Why would you do that?”

“What is the problem? You will not be returning to their employment. This way they are free to hire another attorney.”

Erin digested this information quietly; he was taking over her life. Her initial response was to balk at his highhandedness, but everything he had done were things she would have had to do anyway. He simply took the choice of timing away from her.

“I wish you would have spoken to me about that before you did it.”


“Well,” she began, “I would have liked to talk to a few people. I worked there for a number of years and feel like I owed them an explanation.”

“I provided them all the explanation they needed. Besides, they did a miserable job of ensuring your safety.”

“Kam, that incident you’re referring to was really my fault. I forgot to lock the door after I entered the building.”

“Regardless, if you had not been keeping company with people in those situations, you would have not been in harm’s way. You will never have to worry about that again.”

“But, what if I want to help people? I can’t just sit around the palace all day doing nothing.” Erin was beginning to get upset and the relaxation and peace that had come after their lovemaking was quickly disappearing.

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