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Erin immersed herself in work, ignoring the increasing exhaustion she felt. When Shira had been gone for three weeks, Erin awoke in the morning, rushing for the bathroom where she promptly emptied her stomach of its meager contents.

Her appetite had been sadly missing in the previous few days, and now that she was throwing up, she decided that she must have caught a flu bug. Calling in to work, she then wrapped a robe around herself and stepped out to inform the driver she was staying home for the day.

She returned to the house and had a cup of tea and a piece of dry toast. When her stomach didn’t immediately rebel, she decided to take a bath and hoped the achiness she had been feeling in her chest would lessen.

Erin had just finished dressing when someone knocked upon her front door. Wandering over, she didn’t check to see who was on the other side; it was the middle of the morning and daylight outside.

Opening the door, she was surprised to see Talib standing there, holding out the phone for her to take. Giving him a narrowed look, she took the phone and placed it at her ear, “Kam?”

“What is wrong? Why did you not go to work today?” Kam demanded from the other side of the world.

“I’m just a little under the weather, is all. A small flu bug. I’m sure I’ll feel much better tomorrow.”

“You need to see a doctor. Hand the phone back to Talib.”

“No! I don’t need to see a doctor. I’ll be fine.” Erin hadn’t spoken to him for over a month and yet he still thought he could order her around.

“Habibti, you are not fine. “

“Quit calling me that,” Erin demanded, feeling her anger at his highhandedness rise.

“Habibti? Why?”

“Because it doesn’t apply to our relationship - that is if we even have one…”

“Make no mistake. We have a relationship, and the endearment most definitely applies to you.”

“Kam, why are you doing this? You’ve been gone a month, I’ve only spoken to you twice now, and each time it’s because you want to tell me what to do.”

“Erin, I am only trying to ensure your safety. If you are ill, a doctor must be summoned.”

Erin laughed, “Kam, this is America. We don’t summon doctors here. We go to the doctor’s office or the hospital. The days of doctors making house calls in the country ended a while ago.”

“Talib will retrieve a doctor, if you need one,” Kamal informed her with no hesitation.

“I don’t need one. Have you seen Shira?”

“Shira is a wonderful girl. She will make Khalil a perfect wife….”

“What?! Wife?! And who is Khalil?” Erin was astonished, she had just spoken to her cousin the night before last, and she hadn’t been able to talk about anyone other than Kale.

“Khalil and Shira are perfect for each other. I have given my blessing to their union.”

Erin was speechless. He had given his blessing to their union? What was this, the middle ages? “Kam, is Shira aware of this?”

“Why would she need to be consulted? She is comfortable with Khalil and he with her. They will make a good union. She is lucky to be marrying so well.”

Erin sputtered, “Marrying well? Kam, are you listening to yourself?”

“Of course. In Jawhara, it is every girl’s dream to marry well. Short of marrying myself, your cousin could not find a better match. “

“I think Shira might have something to say about her future being arranged for her like this.”

“Shira will be told when the time is right. According to our customs, Khalil cannot marry until I have taken a bride. He knows this and is willing to wait for the next several months.”

“You’re getting married?” Erin asked, unable to stop the words from tumbling from her lips. She sat down as she felt her dreams shatter. She had been so stupid. She had allowed herself to visualize a future between her and Kam and he was getting married to someone else. This turn of events was a little too close to those that had surrounded her relationship with Steven. When would she learn?

“That is a topic for a later time. I will inform Talib that you do not need a doctor this evening, however, if you are still ill in the morning, one will be summoned. Goodnight.”

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