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Chapter 1

“Come on, Erin. Help me out here just this once. It’s not like you have anything else going tonight.”

Erin Malone watched her cousin, trying not to let the accuracy of her words cut like a knife. No. She didn’t have anything else going on tonight – or any other night in recent memory. Swallowing back the sarcastic retort that sprang to her lips, she stared at Shira, her wayward cousin whose social calendar didn’t know the meaning of a ‘night off.’

When Shira continued to smile at her, bat her eyelashes, and gave her a knowing grin, Erin couldn’t help the smile that reluctantly pulled at her mouth. What the hell! She probably owed herself a night of decadence and indulgence anyway.

Shira’s grin grew as Erin began to nod her head, “I knew you’d agree!”

“Hold on a minute,” Erin commanded, “I haven’t agreed to anything yet. Tell me what this party is for again?”

Shira just resisted rubbing her hands together in glee. She was the assistant marketing director for a large advertising firm and tonight they were celebrating having landed the most sought after commercial contract in their history – Jewel Oil. Her firm had been after the contract for almost a year, and just this afternoon, the final contracts had been signed and now it was time to celebrate.

“I already told you, we’re celebrating winning the Jewel Oil contract.”

Erin nodded, “I heard that part. Tell me again why you need my help.” Looking at her cousin, she was proud of the fine young woman she had become. After having lost both of her parents in a house fire when she was only ten, Erin’s parents had welcomed her into their home. Shira had been like a younger sister before, and as she grew into a teenager, had also become Erin’s best friend.

Erin was only four years older than Shira, and had gone off to college only a few years after her parents had taken Shira in. That hadn’t tempered the girls’ bond one bit. When Shira had graduated and started college, Erin had been in her second year of law school, and living on her own. She had insisted that Shira share the small condo with her and the two women had kept the arrangement for the last five years.

“I need you to be my wingman tonight.”

Erin watched her cousin for a moment, wondering at the uncertainty she could see lingering in her eyes. Shira was the most confident woman Erin knew, and though she wouldn’t admit it, she was often jealous of the ease with which she interacted with men. Seeing the apparent crack in her confidence was totally foreign in Erin’s experience.

“What’s happened?” she demanded, willing and eager to come to her cousin’s rescue.

Shira shook her head, “Nothing. That’s the problem. The execs from Jewel have been over here so many times in the last few months, and even though I’ve made it known I would gladly accept Kale’s advances, he’s keeping me at arm’s length. With the contracts signed, I don’t know how many more opportunities I may get to see him.”

“Who’s Kale?”

“Kale is one of the execs from Jawhara. I’m not sure exactly what his connection is to their leadership, but he’s always got at least two bodyguards with him. Although, several of the men traveling with their group this time around have personal bodyguards. Maybe that’s the custom over there, I don’t know.”

“So what, you expect me to help you get this guy alone – away from his henchmen?”

Shira shook her head, “No. Nothing like that. I just need you to be there. Maybe you could figure out why he’s playing this cat and mouse game with me. I’m missing something; I just can’t figure it out.”

She sounded so miserable; Erin knew she would end up going with her this evening. “Is he married?”

“No!” she exclaimed, and then added, “I did check that out. He’s not married and according to the rumors, he doesn’t even have a steady girlfriend.”

“Well, don’t worry about it. Doll yourself up and stay focused tonight. I’ll come and help out however you need me to.”

Shira smiled and then jumped up from the couch where she had been sitting, “Great. I’ve got to get ready. Hey, we’re at the Whittemore.”

Erin raised an eyebrow at that, “Really? Damon and Rick must really want to celebrate to have dished out that kind of money.”

Shira giggled, “Well, I think Jewel Oil is picking up the tab, at least for part of it anyway. I overheard Kale talking with Rick earlier, and they’ve rented out the entire facility.”

“Wow.” Erin had to admit she was impressed. Whittemore House was an old historic mansion; located only a block from the White House. The rooms had been restored and were now rented out as meeting rooms, banquet rooms, or for private parties. It had been years since Erin had been inside the building, but she remembered well the décor had been immaculate and high-end.

Shira nodded as she backed towards her room, “Yeah. Wait until you see the entourage from Jawhara. Kale may be gorgeous, but his countrymen aren’t that hard on the eyes either. Who knows, maybe someone will catch your eye tonight. You’re due for some fun.”

Shooing her away, Erin headed for her own room, deciding she might as well make the best of the evening. How long had it been since she had done anything for fun? Just for herself? Six months? A year? Had she allowed herself to have fun since the incident with Steven?

Shaking her head at where her thoughts had been headed, she mentally closed that door and headed for the shower. Maybe she would take Shira’s advice and see if she couldn’t catch the eye of a nice looking foreigner tonight. A little flirtation; exchange a few kisses and hugs. She gave her reflection in the bathroom mirror a self-deprecating smile as her libido jumped to attention.

Erin had locked it away over a year ago – after the incident that had brought her dreams crashing to the ground, and it was anxious to come out and play again. Well, maybe she would loosen up and play this evening. It wasn’t like she was going to find Prince Charming running around D.C. anytime soon. He was out there somewhere; and just like she knew he existed, she also knew that her chances of finding him in a city full of visiting dignitaries and tourists was slim.

Tonight would be about fun. Nothing more. Nothing less. She would spend the evening flirting with men she would never see again, and tomorrow she would pick her boring little life back up again. Erin Malone knew how to have a good time, and that’s exactly what she intended to do.

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