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"Eddie, this is incredible," she enthused. "All of it."

“And there's a full moon tonight,” Eddie mentioned. As if the bright, silver sphere lording over it all wasn’t the least bit self-evident. Margot did laugh then. She wanted to spin around beneath it with her head thrown to the sky, like she had back when they were kids. You know what? Fuck it. She flung her arms wide and turned in place, as if she hoped to fit the entire, incredible view in an embrace.

"Eddie, this is amazing," she said seriously.

"I did good?" He looked at her like a puppy dog awaiting a treat to prove it, but there was a spark of self-aware humor in his eyes.

"You did good," she assured. When she found she couldn't easily pull her gaze from his, she managed to break off by nodding toward the yoga mats. "I didn't exactly come dressed for...whatever it is you have in store."

"That's the great thing about naked yoga," Eddie said as he shrugged out of his robe. "No dress code."

Oh my God. Margot tried not to let her jaw too obviously drop as Eddie sprang not one, but two, very big surprises on her in the same instant. In all honesty, she probably should have seen this coming. Of course Eddie would be into naked yoga. What did she think the robe was for? She supposed she had been expecting something like an intimate couples' massage, but this...this...

This involved Eddie Jameson. Naked. Standing in front of her. She shouldn't have been shocked by it, considering that clothes hadn't exactly been an active ingredient when it came to conceiving this surprise pregnancy. Still, her night with Eddie had been a lust-fueled, alcohol-laden blur – by the end of it, she had been barely able to remember where her body began and his ended, which meant that she hadn't exactly paused to get a proper eyeful of him.

Eddie's body was standing before her in crystal-clear definition now. Everything, from his shoulders to his pecs to his calves, was corded in rock-hard muscle. He was even fitter than she had imagined him being, considering he had always proudly boasted of staying out of the gym. All that sailing really kept him in great shape.

Margot's eyes dragged downward to take in the view below his Adonis belt. She was less surprised to find that Eddie was as well-hung as she remembered. Maybe he wasn't erect now, but he certainly had plenty to work with...and work it he did. Her chest and neck heated with the recollection.

Was it her imagination, or did his cock twitch slightly beneath her gaze? She realized suddenly that she had let her robe slip down over one shoulder while she was drinking him in. Margot grimaced, and quickly pulled it back up.

Eddie gasped with faux shock. "Margot, I'm surprised at you. You're going to make me do naked yoga alone?"

"I..." She couldn't come up with an adequate defense. She dropped her eyes sheepishly and settled for something close to the truth. "I don't know, Eddie. I'm not the young filly I once was." Oh God, Margot, did you really just say that? Her wince deepened, but she couldn't take back the embarassing excuse now.

Eddie laughed. "Margie, what the hell are you talking about? You're twenty-eight, living in New York City, and you're the most gorgeous thing in any room you walk into! What do you mean you aren't 'young'? That's got to be the oldest thing I've ever heard you say!"

"I mean I'm getting fat, Eddie," Margot grumbled. "There, I said it."

Eddie's eyes descended to take her in. "You’re crazy," he said, and she could tell by his tone that he thought he was being completely honest. "Margot, have you seen yourself recently? You look sensational."

"But for how much longer?" She crossed her arms over her chest. She didn't want to double-down on her own idiotic bout of self-consciousness, but when he looked at her like that...and said the exact right charming things to her...she knew she was in danger of caving.

And would Eddie be singing the same complimentary tune once she let the robe drop?

He crossed the yoga mat to her. Margot fought the urge to turn from him. She held her ground, and let him settle his hands on her shoulders. "Look, if it makes you feel any better, I've done my research," Eddie mentioned.

"Not this again," Margot moaned.

He held up a hand. "Hear me out. Yoga is a great way to keep your stress in check, and keep your blood pressure down. Not only that, but it's a low-impact exercise, so it will help you keep that hot body of yours looking - and feeling – healthy and beautiful. Naked yoga just happens to be my favorite. And if it didn't already bear that distinction before tonight..." Eddie's eyes climbed her again, lingering for a long moment on the open collar of her robe. "...the fact that I get to do it naked with you makes it my favorite thing on earth. But only if you're comfortable," he added.

"Do you do this all the time?" Margot asked hesitantly. When Eddie nodded, her eyes narrowed. "With other women?"

"By myself," he admitted. "And I was introduced to it once at a work retreat...not that my brothers knew where it was exactly I had snuck off to." Eddie grinned. "But you’re the first person I've welcomed into my personal practice. Namaste, Margot."

"Namaste, Eddie," she returned with a little smile. She knew he had successfully sweet-talked her; still, she couldn't bring her fingers to undo the cord around her waist and begin. Eddie, seeing her hesitation, seemed to sense what was needed. His hands came around her waist slowly, and he slipped the knot open.

The heavy robe fell from her shoulders and pooled at her feet. The candlelight flickered across her bare skin the same way it licked along his. Eddie's hands smoothed up her shoulders, warming her goosebumps, and then slid down her forearms. He wouldn't bring himself to touch anything else, although he stared at her breasts openly, almost hungrily. Margot was surprised when she didn't feel shy beneath the intensity of his look; she felt invigorated.

"Shall we start with breathing?" Eddie's voice sounded strained, as if his lungs weren't quite functioning properly.

"That may be a good idea," she whispered.

"All right. Six deep breaths," he murmured. "Follow my lead."

Margot skimmed her hands along his chest. She watched, fascinated, as the muscles seemed to rise beneath her if she was the energy that inspired him to breathe. She breathed in the night air along with him, and expelled it in a sigh. She closed her eyes. As she pressed her hand to Eddie's chest, she felt one of his own hands come up to touch hers. He held it over her heart.

"Breathe," he repeated. Margot breathed.

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