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The next room she tried was the bathroom, a huge, white arena with a jacuzzi tub and two sinks. She stared at the white tiles as she peed, the love letters heavy on her mind.

What was she doing here, when she knew this was a bad idea? Clearly he’d read them recently, if they were sitting out on his otherwise clear desk like that. He probably read them every night before he went to bed, for two full years. She rubbed at her face, the truth settling into her.

She’d stepped into something she should have never gotten mixed up with. Just do the job and leave—that was her only mission. And it was time to stick to the plan.

Marian returned to the bedroom, tiptoeing quietly around the room as she searched for her clothes in the darkness. Omar snored softly as she dressed once she found all of her clothes folded neatly on a chair in the corner. Things like that made her smile…things like that she’d miss about Omar.

But this would never work.


Omar readied for work the next morning feeling lost. Finding out Marian had left in the night rubbed him the wrong way. Why would she do that? He scowled at his reflection as he adjusted his tie in the bathroom mirror. They’d had a lovely evening, even fallen asleep together.

It’s because of Anahita.

He still hadn’t addressed that looming issue, but how? He needed to come clean to her, to admit that maybe he was ready to try for something new but also maybe he would never love again. Though maybe he already loved Marian. Confusion shuddered through him. None of this made sense. And the longer it didn’t make sense, the more he would push Marian away.

On his way to the office, a text came in from Marian. “I’ll be working from the hotel today. Not feeling well.”

He tapped a quick response. “Is that why you left in the middle of the night?”

Her reply text took a few moments too long. “Yeah. Sorry. Didn’t want to wake you.”

“I hope you feel better…is there anything I can do?”

Her reply this time came lightning fast. “No thanks.”

He frowned at his phone, pocketing it before heading downstairs to meet the car. He felt all jumbled and unstable on the inside, and he hated that feeling. He needed equilibrium, and fast. At the office, Omar jumped into the swing of things quickly, eager to lose himself in the day’s tasks.

His first order of business was calling National Oil about the pending deal. Armed with the document that he and Marian had brainstormed the night before, he was put through to their CEO. Omar made a quick speech about why they should meet and discuss any potential repercussions of Kelly Gunther’s unexpected visit. Surprisingly, the CEO suggested he come around to Almasi Holdings for a one-on-one meeting.

“I’ll have my colleague join us then,” Omar said on his desk phone as he reached for his cell phone. Marian needed to be here. “She’s away from the office now, but I’m sure she can—”

“No, just the two of us will be fine. After all this commotion with the American man…I want to do things more traditionally.” The CEO’s tone left no room for discussion. And of course it had to do with Marian being female. Omar had known from the start that these men wouldn’t like working with a woman. Now Kelly’s ruckus had given them the excuse they needed to edge Marian out of the picture. “See you in a half hour.”

Omar set the phone down gently, wondering what had prompted such an immediate interest in sealing the deal. He blinked at his cellphone, indecision gnawing at him. This would be easier if Marian had come into the office. Between her not feeling well and the CEO’s demand, maybe it would be best to just see him and finish it up.

That was what they both wanted, after all.

But this was their deal. Finishing it without her seemed wrong. He blew a puff of air between his lips, struggling to make the wisest decision. Who was it more important to please in this case: the gatekeeper for the deal or a colleague?

He checked his watch. Time was ticking. He tapped out a quick message to Marian. “Will you come in at all today?”

As he waited for a response, he knew exactly what his father would say: seal the deal. The business comes first.

And as time wore on and Marian didn’t respond, it seemed his decision was made for him.

He tapped on his desk, waiting for the National Oil CEO to show up.

Three hours later, Omar had a signed agreement in his hands, freshly penned by both him and the CEO of National Oil. The best possible outcome that both he and Marian had envisioned—good equipment, transparency in stakeholders, and no more nonsense coming from Kelly Gunther, who was apparently back on a flight to the US. He couldn’t wait to tell Marian.

But first, lunch. He texted Marian to see if she’d join him, but all he got was a “No thanks.” This news had to be shared in person, or she might take it wrong. Face-to-face was the only way.

After a quick lunch at his favorite café down the street, he returned to his office humming. He loosened his tie as he settled into his seat, ready to tackle emails and correspondence for the rest of his afternoon. The major headache of the week was out of the way. Smooth sailing from here.

He worked quietly for a long while, the only sounds the distant honking of the traffic six stories below. He tensed when he heard stomping in the hallway, followed by his doorknob turning.

The door swung open, and Marian stormed in, her eyes on fire.

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