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I rolled my eyes. “You’re just saying that.”

He was, too.

He grinned, showing off those sparkly white teeth, and then curled his arm around my back. “No, really. I promise. Taos really does have some stuff for me.”

“Actually,” Taos said, “I don’t. I don’t even have the man’s picture like you asked. All I have is a name, Haylin Smith, and an old address. He’s hiding his shit really well. You’ll probably need a more technically savvy person than me. Hell, I haven’t even had time to learn the ropes with entering new members into the system, I’m that bad. I have a back log of crap that needs done.”

Haggard sighed. “I’ve run into the same problem with three other people. Even my source at the DMV can’t find this motherfucker.”

“What motherfucker?” I asked curiously, shifting the bag in my hand to rest at my side instead of draped across my front.

Haggard’s eyes turned to me, and his gaze finally took in what I was wearing now that the bag I was holding wasn’t obstructing his view.

His gaze lazily stroked up the length of me, lingering a bit on my legs before drifting up to my breasts that I’d had to stuff into Clem’s a-size-too-small bra.

He grinned at me, and that’s when Taos said, “I swear to fuckin’ God. If y’all do this, I don’t want to be around when you tell Madden.”

I started to laugh and turned around, leaving them both to talk about whatever it was they were talking about.

As I made my way into the gym, I greeted several of the members who asked how I was feeling—me being hit by a car was a big deal. I’d made the paper and I’d received no less than thirty bouquets of flowers from everyone.

Dropping my bag onto the counter next to the front window, I headed for the office, where I checked to see how the paperwork was looking.

I winced when I saw all the freakin’ paperwork, as well as the mess.

Taos didn’t do paperwork.

And with my dad gone, and me not coming in to take up the slack, it’d stacked up.

“Well, shit,” I groaned.

Looks like I’d be doing paperwork after my workout.

Since I had twenty minutes before I needed to get out there, I started to sift through paperwork, leaning over the desk to look at all the shit that needed taken care of.

I was so focused on the papers that I hadn’t heard the man come into the room behind me until I felt strong hands on my hips.

“So how released are you?” the rough-shod voice of the man I was in love with asked.

I froze, my ass now pressed against a hard thigh. “Ummm… what do you mean?”

“It means,” he drawled, “that I’ve been lying next to you every night. I’ve told you that I want you. I’ve made my intentions clear… and now I’m making this clear.”

By ‘this’ he meant his obvious arousal.

Shifting his hips, I went from my ass being pressed against his hard thigh to my ass pressed against his crotch, where a very obvious erection was now pressing against my center.

I froze.

Everything inside of me started to spark to life.

Now, I wasn’t saying I was a virgin.

I wasn’t.

But I definitely wasn’t experienced.

I’d had sex a grand total of twice, and each of those times, it’d been less than stellar.

I’d wanted to see what the hype was about.

But I’d been disappointed.

I now realized what I’d been missing.

I wasn’t with someone that ‘did it’ for me.

I’d been with someone that checked off all my boxes.

Being with the right man, I now realized, was the key.

Because Haggard wasn’t even touching me, not really, and I was damn near ready to detonate.

“You’re making what clear?” I gasped, my brain no longer working like it should.

“I’m making it clear that I want you. And if you’re allowed to have me…” He bent forward so that each of his hands was pressed on the table in front of me, caging my body in. “I’m going to have you.”

Those last words were whispered in my ear, and they sent a cascade of shivers down my spine.

“I’m cleared,” I found myself saying.

How, I had no idea.

I couldn’t even think, let alone form a sentence. But somehow, I found myself telling him that I was ready.

And I was.

Maybe I wouldn’t workout…

As if his thoughts aligned with mine, he pulled backward and said, “How set are you on working out?”

I swallowed hard. “Not as set as I should be.”

He chuckled, pulling back even farther now and allowing me to stand.

When I did and turned around, it was to see his eyes where my ass had previously been.

“And goddamn, those shorts,” he grumbled. “When Clem bought them, I thought for fuckin’ sure I might have a goddamn heart attack. But seeing you in them… I’m glad that Trista wasted the fifty bucks on them.”

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