Page 238 of Firebrand (Green Rider 6)
She turned back to him, smiling again, a smile like he had not seen since they had come together in the north, the dimples he loved so much deepening on her cheeks. At that moment, Donal stepped in, followed by Destarion, Varius, and Enver. Karigan reclaimed her hand and stood, and backed away. He closed his fingers wishing to retain something of her touch. As the two menders chattered at him and Enver looked coolly on, he followed Karigan with his gaze as she collected her writing materials and left the chamber.
• • •
Zachary learned he was occupying Grandmother’s old chamber in the keep’s tower. He was not sure how he felt about that, but Donal had wanted to keep him separate from the other injured. Destarion and Varius poked and prodded him, chatting in delight with one another over the efficacy of their treatments and Enver’s evaleoren salve. They pushed water and soup on him, and when Donal helped him rise, he felt like a newborn colt who couldn’t get his legs under him. As the day passed and he ingested more food and drink, he began to feel much improved.
He learned from Donal that Captain Treman had not survived and that Dannyn was now captain of the River Unit. Dannyn came to his chamber and gave him a rather dry recitation of numbers of casualties, and of those imprisoned. He explained how his people were working to secure both the keep and the forest.
“Any sign of Birch retaliating?” Zachary asked.
“No, Your Excellency. Our scouts have seen nothing to suggest he’s making a move, except to absorb the civilians that had occupied this keep. In the meantime, a message to the Lake Unit has been dispatched requesting reinforcements. It’s unlikely we’d be able to hold the Lone Forest ourselves in the advent of a full scale assault.”
Zachary nodded. It was as he’d have ordered them to do himself.
Connly reported next, and after a deep bow he said, “I am pleased to inform you that Trace and the other Riders from the wall have reached Sacor City and informed the queen that you have been found. Something of all that has befallen you has been conveyed.”
“What of the queen? Is she well?”
“Yes, sire. She remains on bed rest under the watchful gazes of Master Vanlynn and Ben Simeon. Very few are allowed to approach her regarding the business of the realm. Master Vanlynn says the pregnancy is doing well, thus far, despite the stresses.”
Zachary let go an anxious breath he had not realized he’d been holding. Thank the gods. She’d been left with far too great a burden in his absence, and when Connly relayed news of troop readiness and the results of diplomatic missions, he could not believe how much she had accomplished.
Connly got the faraway look in his eyes that meant he was in rapport with Trace. “The queen has asked Trace to relay that she has made some organizational changes to the messenger service, as well.” He looked perplexed as he said it. “To be honest, sire, I haven’t the faintest what she’s talking about.”
“It sounds to me like your captain has been up to something in my absence.”
Connly, his gaze still distant, raised his eyebrows as if in disbelief. “Apparently she’s not the captain anymore.”
“What?” Zachary sat up, seized by sudden panic. The call had abandoned Laren? After all these years? It couldn’t be! What would he do without her?
Connly smiled. “She’s not captain anymore, but colonel. The queen promoted her.”
Zachary laughed out loud. Why hadn’t he thought of it? It was long overdue, no matter that the Green Riders had only ever had a captain to lead them.
“Please have Trace convey my compliments to the queen for her wisdom.”
After a moment, Connly replied, “The queen thanks you and wishes me to express her great joy that you’ve been found and are regaining your health. She looks forward to seeing you soon.”
“And I, her.” And he did. He was concerned for her well-being, and for that of the twins she carried. He longed to be home despite all the pressures that accompanied his position. He did regret, however, what it would mean for him and Karigan.
The communication with the queen complete, Connly paused. “There is one more thing, sire.”
“Karigan has asked for several messages to go out to the family and friends of the Golden Guardian in regard to Lord Fiori’s death.”
It took Zachary a moment to make sense of the statement, for wasn’t Lord Fiori the Golden Guardian? But memory of Fiori’s corpse lying on the floor came back to him, a shadow on his mind. Estral was now the Golden Guardian, the Lady Fiori.
“Karigan hopes the messages will encourage others to offer Lady Fiori support while she makes the transition to her new office during so difficult a time.”
“Yes, yes, of course. My court must also have a major presence for his funeral.”
Connly bowed. “I will then assign the messages when we return to Sacor City.”
After Connly departed, Zachary was left alone to rest and ponder how surreal the idea of returning home to his former life felt after being so long away. Captive, slave, warrior, he’d been. It was time to once more be king.
As one day turned into the next, Zachary saw little of Karigan, and when he asked Enver where she was, the Eletian’s reply was enigmatic: “Regaining her strength.”
What Zachary didn’t see of her by day, he made up for in his dreams. He did not see the avatar in her gleaming armor, or even the Rider in green, but the woman in his arms, entwined with him. He could feel the softness of her skin against his, her lips on his, the thrill and release of joining. The dreams were so real he woke up with his heart pounding, his back arched, and an ache in his loins.