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She raised her eyebrow. Gruff? She could think of a better word for it, but she thought it might be a little rude to say it to his face.

“I’m fine,” she finally managed to croak. Her voice sounded horrible, but at least she found her words. Clearing her throat, she hoped they came out more legibly this time. “I was just a little startled, is all. I’m sorry, should I have made an appointment to come in?”

His half smile returned as he shook his head. “Normally I suggest it if Pops is going to be around, but since you’re already here, what do you need? I have the time and he won’t come out here again.”

His dark brown eyes were twinkling again, and combined with his little smile, they invited her to smile back. So she did, but just a small one. It was all she could manage, since the nerves in her belly had turned to butterflies.

What the hell was wrong with her?

Really? He’s hot. I’d think something was wrong with you if you didn’t react to him.

She mentally rolled her eyes at her dragon, but she felt her smile tug up just a bit higher. Her animal was always saying ridiculous things that made her laugh. It was part of the reason her imprisonment had been so damned hard.

She’d come to rely on her dragon to always have a sarcastic, off the wall remark to cheer her up when she was down. But the suppressant Fernandez’s men had given her meant she couldn’t reach her. There’s been no one to save her from her spiraling thoughts and emotions but herself, and she’d been no help at all.

She really had missed her crazy dragon.

I missed you too, human. More than you might know. But quit thinking about me and talk to that delicious eye candy standing right in front of you. Only an idiot wouldn’t want to bask in his glorious presence, and you’re no idiot. Her dragon paused, and Olivia could practically feel her thinking. Unless you’ve recently turned into one. People do change, you know. C’mon, human. Don’t turn out to be a major disappointment.

She snorted, quickly turning it into a cough as the man’s eyebrows raised. God, he was going to think she was crazy—crazier than her dragon was. He’d asked her how he could help her, and she just zoned off and then snorted out of nowhere—on top of all the other ways she’d acted weird since he walked in.

“Sorry. I was just thinking about something. I wanted to see if your company could handle a renovation on a home, and when you might have time to fit it in. I’m Olivia Foreman, by the way.”

His smile—that gorgeous, gorgeous smile—widened just a bit as he reached out a hand. “Cody Aaron.”

She reached out to shake his hand, absentmindedly thinking about how his last name meant he, or his family, owned the company. But the moment her fingers touched his, every cell in her body stood at attention as a bolt of electricity raced through her, raising the hair on her arms.

Her lips parted slightly as she stared at him with wide eyes, but she was frozen again. What the hell had that been? And why couldn’t she seem to let go of his hand?

That, my dear Olivia, is attraction. True attraction—not that puny stuff you felt for those boys back home. This is the real deal with a real man. Stop freaking out and just enjoy the ride.

And for once, her dragon wasn’t being sarcastic or trying to be funny. She was serious. The question was, could Olivia actually let go and enjoy this—whatever this was?

She honestly had no idea.

Chapter 3


Why was his blood on fire?

Cody Aaron dragged his gaze away from Olivia’s, glancing down at their hands. What was meant to be a quick handshake was spinning out into a timeless moment, and neither one of them seemed inclined to end it.

He swallowed hard as his blood seemed to boil hotter, and then met her eyes again. Her beautiful green eyes. Hell, what he was saying? She was absolutely gorgeous. Every inch of her.

Her hair was a silky, silvery blonde waterfall that didn’t end until it touched her waist. She had long black lashes surrounding her moss green eyes, high cheekbones, and sculpted pink lips. She was probably about average height, but next to his tall frame, she seemed petite.

And her curves… there was no hiding them behind the softly clinging fabric of her t-shirt and the snug jeans outlining her hips and thighs. He was dying to get a glimpse of her from behind.

Yeah, he wanted to check out her ass. What could he say? He was a man, and she was a beautiful woman. It was natural, and he made no apologies.

A bang came from the workshop, startling Olivia. She yanked her hand from his, looking flustered. Had she felt the same thing he had?

The thought was definitely an intriguing one.

She pushed her hair back, revealing a slight flush to her cheeks. Her fingers bumped into her glasses, and they lingered there as a slight frown appeared between her brows. It was almost like she’d forgotten they were there.

Her eyes met his, and she let her hand drop as she cleared her throat. Another charge of electricity raced over his skin as their gazes met, and this time it was his brow that wrinkled. Both at the charge in the air, arching between them—at least he thought she felt it too—and at the slight silvery blue iridescence in her green eyes.

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