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“And she blamed that all on you?”

Olivia shrugged, trying to seem like that hadn’t bothered her, but it had. A lot. “She was a teenager. We’re not all that rational when we’re that young. But even after we grew out of those years, I think she still had all of that in the back of her head. And that was made clear to me when she met Greg.”

“What happened with Greg?” he asked, his voice gentle.

“He wasn’t who he said he was.” The words were said simply, but there was nothing simple about it. Inhaling deeply, she continued on. “I told her something wasn’t right about him. I told her he couldn’t be trusted, but she refused to listen. She accused me of being jealous. Said I was only saying those things because a man actually liked her instead of me for once. She continued to see him, and eventually told him what she was.”

Cody sucked in a breath. “Tell me that’s not how you two were kidnapped.”

“I wish I could.” Pausing, she took a deep breath, her emotions rioting inside her. “I believe he already knew, although I’m not sure how. He turned out to be one of Fernandez’s scouts, looking for female dragons. He wouldn’t have been sniffing around her if he hadn’t already suspected. But her words confirmed it, and one night when he came to pick her up, he forced her inside a van.

“I’m sure he and the men with him intended to go into the house and search for me, but I was outside when it happened. I saw it all go down. I thought I could save her, so I went running toward them and fought them with everything I had. It wasn’t enough, though, and they shoved me in the van with her. And that’s how we were both kidnapped.”

“It wasn’t your fault,” he said gently, his hand once again rubbing her arm, the soothing motion sinking into her. “It wasn’t even Fiona’s. She had no way of knowing what Greg intended. She just trusted the wrong man.”

Olivia nodded. “I agree, and I’ve tried to tell her that, but I’m not sure she really feels that way. She was traumatized by her own experience, and overwhelmed with guilt because her actions got me kidnapped, too. I’ve tried to tell her Greg most likely already knew, but I’m not sure she really hears me when I say it.”

“She probably just needs more time. Honestly, after hearing your story, I’m surprised you’re here with me at all. I wondered why it seemed like you were fighting our attraction so hard, and now I’m wondering how you managed to overcome your fears enough to go out with me.”

“I don’t want to live in fear anymore,” she replied softly. “I lost so much of myself during that ordeal, and I wanted to get it back. So I did things that scared me, like leaving the house to go into town. And when I met you… I kept thinking I just needed to find my faith again. In people, in the world around me. And you actually helped me find it. Once that happened, I refused to let anything else hold me back from something I wanted.”

Chapter 15


Cody’s heart leapt at Olivia’s words, and the meaning behind them. He was the something she wanted when she found her faith.

That, coupled with her saying he helped her find it, made him feel like he was on top of the world. He already knew he’d do absolutely anything to make her happy, and knowing he’d done something that helped her find a bit of happiness, meant everything to him.

Pressing another kiss to the top of her head, he held her closer to him. “I can’t tell you what it means to hear that I helped you, even in some small way.”

She gave him a smile that made his heart leap even as contentment filled him. This woman meant everything to him, and he already knew he’d do absolutely anything for her.


Mate. If she was his mate, like his gorilla said, then the way he felt for her made total sense. Shifters would do anything for their mates. Whatever it took to make them happy and keep them safe. Nothing was too big or too small when it came to their mates.

And the speed in which he’d fallen for her made more sense to him now, too. That was how it usually was with mates. He’d just never considered that to be a possibility, because he hadn’t known his kind could have mates.

How had his people gotten it so wrong? He thought maybe they’d just given up too quickly, and then once they had, they never thought to try again. Because they hadn’t known it was possible.

But he was living proof that it was.

And he’d shout it from the rooftops at the earlie

st opportunity.

Olivia’s smile faded and her gaze turned pensive before she looked away. “But that’s why I stopped us. I loved that kiss, Cody. I can’t tell you how much, and I didn’t want to stop it. But my sister…”

His brow furrowed as he tried to understand. “You think she’ll feel like you’re once again getting everything handed to you while she’s struggling to find something of her own?”

“I don’t know. Maybe,” she replied, her voice uncertain. “I thought we’d moved passed all that, but when all the girls were talking about you, about how they were certain you were attracted to me, she seemed… off, I guess. And she was nowhere to be found when everyone was talking about our date, and then the next day when they were helping me get ready. I can’t help but wonder if it’s bothering her because of our past.

“Plus, Fiona and I grew close after we were kidnapped. Incredibly close, more so than we’ve ever been. And I don’t want to lose that. If being with you will tear us apart, or make her start feeling like she’s not good enough again… I just don’t think I can do it. I don’t want to lose the progress we’ve made.”

He could feel her pain and uncertainty radiating off of her, and it burrowed right into his soul. “Can I tell you something?”

She nodded, her silky-smooth hair brushing against his arm. “Anything.”

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