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If she thought her emotions were all over the place a few minutes ago, that had nothing on how she felt now. She was torn in so many directions, but one thought stood out.

Maybe he’ll kiss me tonight. I hope he does.

Shocked by the thought, she reached up to rub at the ache in her forehead, only to freeze at Sierra’s voice.

“Don’t! You’ll mess up your makeup, and you look so fabulous, I just know you’ll knock him off his feet. Not that you don’t always look fabulous,” she added hastily.

The shy dragon shifter was so reserved, always so worried that she’d say the wrong thing and make someone mad, that a lot of times she barely spoke at all. Not wanting her to think she was at all offended, she gave her a warm smile.

“Thanks, Sierra. And thanks for the warning. I totally forgot I was wearing makeup.”

Wishing for a mirror so she could check, once again, that she wasn’t too overdone, she glanced down. The dragons had dressed her too, allowing her to wear her ripped, dark wash jeans, but insisting she put on a black, off the shoulder top.

Her slightly curled platinum hair gleamed against the blouse, and she had to admit, it made for a nice contrast. She’d fought them on the heels they wanted her to wear, though. She wasn’t ready to go all out, not yet. That was the one battle she won, and her feet were adorned with red flats, the color complimenting the minimal jewelry she donned.

“How does it feel?” Sierra asked softly. “To take a chance and put yourself out there like this, after everything that happened.”

“It’s terrifying,” she admitted, her voice just as soft. “But… it’s kind of exciting, too. To let go of the past enough to do something like this. I’ve never gotten a bad vibe from Cody, though. Not once. He seems like a genuinely good man. I wouldn’t have said yes otherwise.”

“That’s good. That you can look forward instead of backward. And that he’s a good guy.” Giving her a small smile, she fell silent for a moment, her brow wrinkled in thought. “I’m not sure I could let go enough for that. I want to. But if I can’t even be in the same vicinity of a stranger, there’s no way I can do what you are. You’re so brave. I’ve always thought so.”

“Give it time. After what we went through, half a year isn’t long enough for most to heal. Hell, it’s not enough time for me. I’m not brave, Sierra. At all. I’m just trying not to be defined by my past. Everyone moves and heals at different paces. One day, you’ll get there too.”

Sierra gave her a smile that was just a bit forced, the corners of her lips trembling slightly. “I hope so.” Falling silent for a moment, she shook herself out of her thoughts and focused back on Olivia. “What are you doing just sitting out here? Are you that anxious to see Cody again?”

Laughing, she shook her head. “I came out to read a new book I just got. I was hoping it would clear my thoughts and help calm me, but despite how good it is, I can’t seem to focus on it.”

Sierra’s eyes lit up with curiosity as she walked closer. “Really? What are you reading?”

Marking her page, she closed the book and held it up, showing her the cover. “This new book someone recommended to me. It’s a shifter novel, can you believe it? I didn’t even know they existed.”

Steps faltering, Sierra stared at the cover, so many emotions flitting through her eyes so quickly that Olivia couldn’t catch them all. “Oh. Wow. That’s… awesome. Weird, but awesome.” Clamping her jaw shut as she started to ramble, she glanced at her watch. “I better get inside. Stuff to do, you know…”

Watching with confusion as Sierra spun on her heel and quickly walked into the house before she could reply, she shook her head, brow furrowed. Glancing at her phone, she silently cursed as she saw the time.

Cody would be here soon, and just knowing that sent so many emotions rioting through her that she felt dizzy.

At least that explained Sierra’s actions. She was still too scared to be around strangers, and she didn’t want to let it show, so she took off before he could get here. Despite her attempt at subtlety, she hadn’t been at all successful.

Putting her book on the porch swing, she stood, looking at the house with a frown. Her sister had been conspicuously absent—and not just while the others were primping Olivia, but the night before when everyone was abuzz at Cody asking her out, too.

Concern welled up inside her. She and Fiona undoubtedly loved each other, but they had a long history of misunderstandings and clashing personalities.

And that basically directly resulted in both of them being kidnapped.

She didn’t blame her sister at all for what happened, but with her being so absent through all this, she couldn’t help worrying that the demons that chased her sister were back.

History wasn’t about to repeat itself—was it?

Panic and worry started to overwhelm her, and she was on the verge of calling the whole night off and finding her sister when Cody’s truck turned into the drive.

Her panic instantly muted as he drove down the driveway, butterflies in her belly taking over. Excitement, nerves, anticipation—they all crowded inside of her.

But none of the emotions she was feeling were negative, and that said so much.

Just as he was getting out, Carlie opened the front door. “You’re gonna need this. Have an amazing time and do everything I would do in your position.”

Catching the purse her friend tossed at her, she smiled wryly to herself. Carlie was trouble and that was the truth. There was probably nothing she wouldn’t do, so Olivia definitely wasn’t taking that part of her advice.

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