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The stairs opened up into the parlor, and as she reached the top, Paisley and Carlie snapped their eyes over to her. They were reading, thank God. She wouldn’t put it past Carlie to actually be braiding hair when they got up there.

She was looking at them when Cody reached the top, and she saw Carlie’s mouth drop and her eyes widen as she took him in. Her reaction was comical, but she glared at her anyway, warning her to act normal.

She snorted in her mind. Like she had room to talk when it came to this man.

They stood up as he walked in the room, and Olivia angled herself so she could see them all. “Cody, these two are Paisley and Carlie, two of my friends who live here. Ladies, this is Cody Aaron. His family owns the construction company?”

She glanced at him as she added the last bit, not really knowing for sure if that was the truth. It was a guess based on his sister and grandfather working there, but they could be working for him.

Looking over at her, he nodded before looking back at her friends. “Yeah, it’s a family company. It’s nice to meet you both.”

They echoed his words as he shook their hands, and then he immediately began going over the room. Carlie waggled her eyebrows the moment his back was turned, and Olivia renewed her glare as she shook her head.

He turned to face them, and luckily, Carlie stopped her antics before he could notice. “I’ve been in here before, as you know,” he said, looking at her, “so I know where everything is up here. Do you—”

Carlie spoke before he could finish. “If you know your way around, feel free to take a look. I need to speak to Olivia for a moment.”

She narrowed her eyes at her friend for a moment, suspicion washing over her, before nodding to Cody. “Go ahead. I’ll be here when you’re done.”

The moment he was out of sight, Carlie grabbed her arm and tugged her farther into the parlor. “Oh my God, girl,” she whisper-shouted. “He is hot as hell! You were holding out on us.”

Casting a glance at the hallway and desperately hoping he hadn’t heard Carlie, she then turned her head and tried on her most intimidating glare. “Keep your voice down!”

Her friend rolled her eyes. “I’m already whispering. Now explain yourself.”

Apparently, her most intimidating glare wasn’t actually the least bit scary. “Yes, he’s good looking, but I didn’t think it was worth mentioning.”

Carlie shook her head with obvious disappointment. “That man is a hell of a lot more than good looking, and you’d have to be blind not to notice. And he was checking you out hardcore when you guys came up here.”

“What?” she asked at normal volume, shocked into forgetting to whisper. Lowering her voice, she spoke again. “He was not. He’s never once looked at me like he was checking me out.”

“You really are blind then. That or he’s really good at doing it covertly, and we just happened to catch him. He was looking at you with heat in those delicious brown eyes, girl, and you better jump on that. I’ll never stop being disappointed in you if you don’t.”

Eyes wide, she shook her head, speechless for a moment. She just wasn’t sure what shocked her more—the possibility of Cody looking at her like that, or Carlie suggesting she actually do something about it if he was.

“Are you crazy?” she hissed. “After everything we’ve been through, you think I should just hop straight into bed with the first man who gives me a second glance?”

Carlie nodded firmly. “First, the way he was looking at you was a hell of a lot more than just a second glance. Second, why the hell not? Not all men are evil, Liv. In fact, most are just normal guys. And those normal guys far outnumber the Fernandez’s of the world. If you need to get to know him a little better first, then do that.

“But don’t keep him at a distance because you’re scared. Remember what I said? If we deprive ourselves of fun, of making a connection with someone, of really living, then he’s winning from the grave. And you could be missing out on something amazing. Not saying that’s Cody necessarily, but that applies to anything we want but don’t go after because our fear is holding us back.”

She stared at Carlie, speechless yet again. Conflicting emotions were rioting through her, and she turned her gaze to Paisley, imploring her to jump in with something that would contradict Carlie’s words.

Because the last thing she needed was encouragement to let her attraction to Cody run wild. She’d just resolved to get it under control, dammit.

But Paisley gave her a little shrug. “I feel like you’re looking for someone to tell you that staying away from him is a good idea, but it won’t be me. If you’re truly not ready for a relationship or connection with a man, then you’re right to keep your distance. But I agree with Carlie on the rest. Don’t let fear be the only reason you don’t see where things could go between you.” Pausing, she cocked her head as she smiled. “Besides, I saw the same thing she did. That man was eating you up with his eyes.”

They were both quiet after that, letting her digest their words. But before she could tell them it was far too soon to be talking

about connections and relationships with a man she just met, he walked back in.

And when he met her eyes and smiled, she knew she was in big fucking trouble.

“Ready to go check out the outside?” he asked, his voice caressing her nerve endings.

Swallowing hard, she glanced at her friends one more time before nodding. He gestured for her to go down the stairs first and she did, still not saying a word. Honestly, she wasn’t sure she could in that moment.

When they reached the bottom, Cody immediately moved in front of her and opened the front door. Ah, he was a gentleman, then. One more strike against her defenses.

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