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A cold one.

He needed to clear his head, and lying in bed recalling every erotic moment they had shared the night before wasn’t going to achieve that outcome.

The important thing to do was to set aside everything that had happened last night and chalk it up to two people who, having just discovered that they shared an intense chemistry, had given in to temptation after a particularly gruelling few days. Because he had never intended to jeopardise her position in his life and he didn’t want to lose her over one slip-up.

And hopefully she felt the same way.

Hopefully she hadn’t misunderstood last night and believed that sex equalled a serious relationship. It never had for him, and usually he made that clear with a woman from the outset.

So where had that speech disappeared to the night before? The same place as logic and self-control.

Slamming his hand against the controls, he stepped from the shower, shaved and pulled on jeans and a shirt.

There was no sense in putting this off. He had to find Cassidy and deliver the news that as good as last night had been it would be best for all concerned if their relationship remained that of boss and employee and nothing else.

And surely she’d want the same thing. She was a wo

man who liked her i’s dotted and her t’s crossed as much as he did.

She was also romantic, his rational side reminded him. Romantic and inexperienced.

And he had been the one to shift their relationship into the personal realm when he’d danced with her. He might not have used power to persuade her into his bed but he’d known how badly she’d affected him and like a moth drawn to a flame, he’d let his libido take control.

Deciding that what was required here was calm, logical reasoning, he shut down his guilt and went in search of her.


CASSIDY REREAD THE letter she’d just finished typing.

It wasn’t very long. In fact, it was quite short.

Should she add more?

Your Majesty,

It has been a pleasure working for you these past twenty-one months, but I hereby tender my resignation forthwith.

Was it too blunt?

And what about the pleasure reference?

After last night she didn’t want that to be misconstrued and so she deleted ‘a pleasure’ for the more ambiguous ‘great’.

Then she added a couple of lines about how much she had learned, working with him, and sent it to the printer.

And even if she hadn’t already been thinking of resigning there was absolutely no way she would be able to work with him after last night. Just the thought of facing him this morning was enough to make her blush.

And sleeping with her boss was not exactly what her sister had been thinking about when she’d advised her to fully immerse herself in the experience so that she had no regrets. It hadn’t been what she’d been thinking either when she’d decided to attend the ball at the last minute, although she was honest enough to admit that she had wanted him to notice her as more than just his EA last night. And she had wanted to create some ‘amazing memories’.

Mission accomplished, she thought.

Not that she regretted anything that had happened between them. How could she when it had felt so right to be in his arms? But she had to eradicate that feeling. Along with her plan to work for him for another month. Yes, she’d feel badly, not helping him settle into his new role, but after last night... She felt her throat thicken with emotion. That terrible suspicion she’d had about falling in love with him had tripled since this morning.

Just remembering how she had woken up with her body wrapped around his like Christmas paper, a smile on her face and a sense of wonder in her heart, was enough to make her break out in hives.

Last night hadn’t been about love or commitment, it had been about lust and letting off steam, and she wouldn’t make the mistake of thinking otherwise. And no doubt Logan wouldn’t want her working for him after last night either. In fact, he’d probably be relieved to receive her resignation because it would all be neat and tidy. The way they both liked things.

‘Working already.’ His voice behind her sounded cool, remote. ‘I’m not that hard a taskmaster, am I?’

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