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A little moan escaped her lips and he realised that he already loved those sounds. That he wanted more. Smoothing his hands down over her narrow shoulders, he skimmed his fingers down her arms, revelling in the way she shivered beneath his touch. She was so responsive, so expressive, and so his.

Suddenly impatient to see all of her, Logan searched for the zipper in her dress and eased it down. The bodice sagged to her waist, revealing gorgeous breasts cupped in a whisper of silk.

‘You wore it,’ he breathed, tracing his fingers gently along the delicate edge of the cup, making her tremble.

‘It came with the dress,’ she said, angling to get closer to him.

Logan held her back so that he could look at her. ‘I know. I chose it.’

‘You did?’ Her eyes flew to his. ‘I thought the shop assistant would have done that.’

‘Not a chance, mi amor. I’ve been imagining you in this all night and reality far exceeds what I came up with.’

Her hands rose as if to shield herself, but Logan captured them in his. Then he sat on the bed and pulled her between his spread thighs.

Cupping her breasts in his hands, he watched her eyes glaze over with pleasure as the rough pads of his thumbs grazed her nipples.

The catch in her breath sent a spike of heat through his blood and he bent forward, kissing his way towards one rigid peak before pulling it into his mouth. She moaned, a soft keening sound, her hands forking into his hair, her grip urging him on.

Logan was happy to oblige her, his lips and tongue caressing each hard bud in turn as he teased her arousal to another level.


She twisted in his arms, arching closer, and he gave her what she craved, unclipping the bra at the back and letting if fall away before he fully latched onto her nipple and tugged hard.

Her fingers tensed in his hair, her head thrown back as she gasped with delight.

He was delighted himself, her response ratcheting up his own arousal until it was all he could do not to throw her onto the bed and bury himself inside her.

But he was enjoying unwrapping her too much, which he continued doing, sliding the dress down her legs so that it pooled at her feet. This time it was his breath that caught as he took in her slender legs and the pale silk at the juncture of her thighs.

A soft curse left his throat and his hands shook a little as he took her hips between his hands and eased the scanty fabric downwards.

‘Logan...’ Her soft plea for more undid him and he eased one hand up the inside of her creamy thigh, while the other one held her in place.

‘Are you wet for me, Cassidy?’ His voice was thick with need, his eyes on hers as his fingers grazed her softness.

A whimper escaped her throat and her feet shifted wider, giving him better access to her. He took it, cupping her sweet mound in his hand, the essence of her damp against his palm.

She wasn’t just wet, she was fully aroused, her female scent sending his senses into a spin.

Growling softly, Logan pushed to his feet, picking her up and throwing her on the bed before she had time to draw breath.

She gave a nervous laugh and glanced at her feet. ‘My heels—’

‘Leave them.’ He circled her ankles with his fingers and slowly parted her thighs.

‘Logan, it’s too much,’ she said, her cheeks flushing even hotter under his gaze.

‘Let me,’ he said, coming over the top of her and bracing his hands on either side of her head. ‘I want to taste you.’

‘I don’t... I’ve never...’ her tongue sneaked out to wet her lips and Logan kissed her as he wondered just how innocent she was.

‘You mean no man has ever gone down on you before?’

She shook her head, her hair spread out on his white sheets.

‘Then it will be my pleasure to introduce you to the delights of the flesh, mi amor,’ he said, chuckling a little as she tried to grip his shoulder to prevent him from sliding down her body to bury his face between her legs.

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