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‘Other than the fact that she works for me.’

‘Lots of successful relationships start out as working ones. That doesn’t make them wrong. And it doesn’t make you like our father, who used his position as a power play.’

‘Regardless, the only thing Cassidy and I have between us is a close professional relationship.’

So why was his heart beating hard at the thought that she wouldn’t turn up tonight?

‘Your Majesty, my lords and ladies.’ Gerome appeared just inside the open terraced doors. ‘Dinner is about to be served.’

As soon as Logan stepped inside his eyes found Cassidy in the crowded room and two things became immediately apparent.

First, that she was wearing the gown and she looked every bit as incredible as he had known she would and, second, he would need to be on his guard if he intended to keep to his word and ensure that things remained completely professional between them tonight.

Cassidy’s heart hammered inside her chest, her breath locked in her throat, as her eyes fastened on Logan.

Now the idea of seeing how the other half lived and creating new memories that had propelled her into the gown and then downstairs seemed like an unnecessary risk as he cut a determined path through the crowd towards her. He had changed out of his military uniform and into a sleekly cut tuxedo and bow-tie, his layered hair swept back from his rakish features, his vivid blue eyes narrowed with irritation.

‘You’re late,’ he wasted no time in telling her. ‘Which is unlike you. I thought I was going to have to send out a search party.’

His earlier threat that he would be the one to come and find her if she didn’t show up hung in the air between them.

‘Sorry...Your Majesty.’ She half dipped, half curtsied in the tight-fitting gown, hiding her disappointment that he had not commented on how she looked, only now realising how much she had wanted his approval when he didn’t give it.

Hating the needy feeling that balled in her stomach like cooling lava, she called herself a fool and thought seriously about turning around and returning to her room.

As if sensing her desire to escape, Logan latched onto her arm. ‘You only need to curtsy to me the first time you see me.’

Feeling like she couldn’t get anything right, Cassidy’s throat constricted. ‘This is the first time I’ve seen you tonight.’

‘Just...’ He looked like he was grinding his teeth. ‘You’ve left your glasses off again.’

Seriously, he was going to talk about her glasses? ‘I already told you that I don’t need them all the time. And they hardly go with the dress.’

‘I like your glasses,’ he said gruffly.

Suddenly aware that he was standing so close that she could scent his cologne, she shook her head, her newly straightened hair swishing around her shoulders. All she could think about was how handsome he was and the only nice thing he could say was that he liked her glasses.

Unable to come up with a single response to that, she glanced over his shoulder at the sound of a man clearing his throat. She’d been so overwhelmed at seeing Logan, not to mention the low-level hum of excitement in the room, that she hadn’t even realised that his brother was standing right behind him.

‘I think your glasses are very nice as well,’ Leo said, casting his brother a reproving glance. ‘And may I add that you look incredibly elegant this evening.’

‘Thank you.’ Cassidy gave him a grateful smile, which seemed to irritate Logan even more.

‘I’ve asked Leo to escort you to the dining room this evening,’ he said curtly. ‘After that everyone will gather in the ballroom for the remainder of the evening.’

Fully aware of the schedule as she’d helped produce it, she nodded and made a mental note to never listen to her sister’s advice again.

Nodding, as if he was pleased to have done his duty to her, he turned and strode toward the front of the room where his mother stood in a small circle of guests.

‘Well...’ Leo stepped forward and offered her his arm. ‘That was interesting.’

More like horrible, Cassidy thought grimly. ‘Actually, I’m not all that hungry.’ She cast a glance toward the door she’d just come through as if to make sure it was still there. ‘I might see if I can’t get a snack delivered to my room. I’m sure no one will notice if I don’t go through.’

‘Oh, someone will notice,’ Leo said with a broad grin. ‘I think you’re going to have to soldier on and do it now.’

Sighing heavily, Cassidy placed her hand in the crook of his elbow and let him lead her past the milling guests, who watched them curiously as they headed toward the front of the line.

Feeling herself panic at all the attention, Cassidy tugged on the former King’s arm. ‘Really... I’m happy to stay at the back of the line.’

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