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Sometimes she wished that she could be more like her sister. Sometimes she wished that she had more faith in herself and a more positive outlook on life, but the thought of being wrong, of being caught unawares was too scary for her to take that view of life.

‘When will you get to experience something like this again?’ Peta coaxed.

Probably never, if she was being honest. ‘I’ll think about it. Say hi to the girls for me. I miss you all.’

‘We miss you too. In the meantime, be like Alice and make lots of amazing memories tonight.’

‘I thought I was Cinderella?’

Peta laughed. ‘Be whoever you want. Be yourself. Create your own fairytale.’

‘You’ve read too many fairytales to the twins. Life rarely works out that way. You know that.’

‘Yes, but rarely is not never. You can make your dreams come true, Cass, you just have to want them badly enough. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. And don’t forget, send photos.’

Her sister rang off and Cassidy pushed herself into a sitting position. She stared at the beautiful dress that was hanging so serenely on the hanger as if daring her to put it on.

She wondered if Logan had chosen it himself and then berated herself for the fanciful thought. As if he would have had the time, or inclination, to choose a dress for her. Likely he had called someone and delegated the task. That’s what a sensible person would have done. That’s what she would have done.

Because deep down she was a sensible person. Sensible and cautious. She thought of he

r father’s voice after her sister had fallen pregnant, wearily telling her that he was just glad he had one level-headed child.

And apart from her one faux pas she had been level-headed. Level-headed and sensible. And a sensible person did not dress up in a gown they couldn’t afford and attend a ball they had no right to attend.

But sensible people could also miss out on fun if they didn’t take a chance now and then, a rogue voice inside her head taunted.

And she was older now. Wiser. Perhaps it was time to be more proactive in her life rather than reactive.

And perhaps the place to start with that was her job. With Logan now the King, his life was in Arrantino. Hers was in the States. And even if that wasn’t the case, it wasn’t as if she could work for him for ever. Not with the way she felt about him. Because something had shifted between them this last week and she couldn’t seem to shift it back. Just being in the same room with him made her want to touch him and if he should ever guess how she felt she’d die of mortification.

But she didn’t have to think about that right now, did she? She had time up her sleeve. Unless Logan wanted it otherwise, she could give it a month. Help him transition into his new role and put some feelers out to recruitment agencies in New York. In the meantime, she’d keep her head down, do her best to get on top of this pesky attraction and think about what she wanted for herself for a change.

Feeling marginally better now that she had a way forward, she found her gaze returning to the designer gown on her cupboard. As if pulled by a magical thread, she pushed herself off the bed and ran her fingers lightly over the gorgeous fabric. The silky material slid through her fingertips like a shimmering waterfall, the crystal beads catching the overhead light and glowing like tiny diamonds.

Once in a lifetime...

She took the dress down and held it in front of her, gazing at herself in the full-length mirror. She couldn’t do it. She couldn’t attend a royal ball as if she might actually belong there.

So don’t think that. Go as a chance to see how the other half live and create some amazing memories. If you’re already planning to resign, what’s the harm?

Frowning as the rogue voice tempted her once more, she shook her head. Could she really wear a dress like this? It was a dress that belonged to a princess and, no matter how hard she dreamed, Cassidy knew that she would never be princess material.


AFTER WHAT FELT like the longest day in his life Logan would have liked nothing more than to loosen his tie and sprawl on the nearby sofa, maybe stream a rugby game and open a chilled bottle of ale—but that moment was a long way off. First there was dinner for two hundred followed by the ball.

He searched the large drawing room, which was rapidly filling with elegantly attired guests, for Cassidy, wondering if she would show up. He knew the gown he’d chosen on the drive over to Government House for the official handover had arrived because the stylist had sent him confirmation and photos.

Cassidy had been adamant that she hadn’t wanted to wear it and she was probably the first woman to ever turn down a gift from him. In his experience his female companions adored receiving trinkets and the more expensive the better. Not that Cassidy was one of his companions, but she would look sensational in the green silk. As she would in the matching bra and panties—

You aren’t going there, he reminded himself. He had ordered the underwear on the advice of the stylist, not because he particularly wanted to see her in tiny scraps of lace and nothing else.

And if he believed that, he’d believe the moon was made of cheese...

Irritated with his one-track mind, he turned his attention back to his diplomatic advisor’s assessment of a recent European summit and what it meant for Arrantino.

He knew he should be concentrating as come Monday morning it would be his job to make decisions on the laws that would serve Arrantino in the future but he couldn’t focus.

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