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Like this nagging attraction that knocked him for six every time he got close to her.

‘I don’t remember saying that you were born to it exactly.’ She readjusted her glasses on her pert nose, and he noticed the pulse at the base of her neck hammering lightly against her creamy skin. ‘But I’d be nervous.’

She bent and pinned the last medal in place. ‘There.’ She quickly withdrew her hand from inside his jacket and he wondered why control was such a difficult concept around her. ‘All done.’

‘Now this,’ he said, holding out a royal blue sash. He knew he could put it on himself, but he found that he was unwilling to end this quietly intimate moment between them.

She took the sash, her throat bobbing as she swallowed. ‘Where does it go?’

‘Under the epaulette on my left shoulder.’

Stepping closer, she pushed up onto her toes to feed the silk fabric through the epaulette, her breasts brushing his chest as she reached around his waist to grab it.

Logan’s breath hissed out through his teeth and Cassidy’s face flamed as she quickly secured it by his right hip and stepped back.

‘Anything else?’ Her tone was harried, as if she couldn’t wait to get away from him.

‘Yes. Are you coming tonight?’

‘To the ball?’ Her eyes widened. ‘I didn’t know I was invited.’

She hadn’t been but he wanted her there and he wasn’t in the mood to question that sudden decision. ‘You are.’

A frown pleated her smooth brow. ‘Do employees usually go?’


‘Then I shouldn’t.’

‘You should. You’ve been instrumental in pulling everything together over the last few days. If nothing else, you deserve a night off.’

‘Yes.’ She grimaced. ‘But I was thinking more along the lines of a warm bath and an early night.’

She moved away from him to pick up her handbag.

‘You can have a bath any time.’ He scowled, frustrated that she was clearly unimpressed by a gesture that felt more right the more he thought about it. ‘If you’re not there I’ll come and get you.’

She shook her head, her expression still slightly harried. ‘Can we discuss it later?’

‘No.’ Logan moved to her side. ‘We’ll discuss it now.’

‘Fine.’ She let out a rushed breath. ‘I’ll come.’

When her eyes flicked around the room, Logan stilled, his nostrils flaring. ‘Did you just try to manage me?’

‘Yes. No. Maybe.’ Her hands fluttered between them. ‘You have more important things to think about right now than whether I go to the ball or not.’

A noise from the doorway startled them both.

His mother strode in, her glance going between the two of them with barely suppressed censure. ‘I agree with Miss Ryan. You do have more important things to think about.’

Cassidy made a quick curtsy but Logan barely suppressed a scowl at the intrusion. ‘I disagree. I think Cassidy should attend the coronation ball.’

‘Indeed.’ His mother’s raised brow spoke volumes. ‘Well, that is a surprise.’

‘Not really.’ Logan redid the buttons on his jacket. ‘Cassidy has worked by my side for a long time. I want her there.’

‘It would hardly be fair to put Miss Ryan in a position that made her feel uncomfortable.’ His mother’s smile did not reach her eyes. ‘Which reminds me, did you receive the list of potential marriage partners I forwarded yesterday?’

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