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She caught a glimpse of herself in a mirror on the far wall, surprised to find that she still looked the same as she always did. Somehow she’d expected a crazy woman to be staring back at her with wild hair and bright eyes. Because she didn’t feel the same. She felt more unbalanced now than yesterday. But that was because everything had changed, hadn’t it?

Being here with Logan, knowing her life would be different when she returned... Was it any wonder she was feeling so out of sorts? This was normal. She just needed to compartmentalise—something she had always believed she was very good at due to her messy childhood—and stop reacting physically to her boss.

He hadn’t wanted to kiss her back in the museum any more than he’d wanted to kiss her in his apartment the night before. He kissed supermodels and society princesses. He did not kiss ordinary girls from Ohio.

Pulling out her laptop, she sat down behind the new desk that had been set up with an ink blotter and stationery. Everything was fine. Everything was exactly as it should be.

Not sure how convinced she was of the truth of that, she was nonetheless relieved when a staff member knocked and entered the office, wheeling in a covered trolley with alluring silver-domed plates.

‘Please tell me you have hot coffee in that jug?’ Cassidy said, her saliva glands already salivating at the thought.

‘Yes, ma’am. And some sandwiches. His Highness thought you might require some refreshments.’

‘His Highness is a god,’ she said, without thinking.

The young girl gave her a shy smile. ‘He is, ma’am, yes.’

Just for a moment Cassidy wondered what it would be like to be waited on hand and foot, and then recalled the moment Logan had stepped out of the car at the museum and the adoring crowd had surged excitedly against the barriers to get his attention.

It had been like something out of a Hollywood film.

Logan had waved and smiled and as soon as he’d neared the museum the small delegation of staff had subtly straightened, standing to attention, wide smiles on their faces in anticipation of meeting him. Cassidy had noticed that he often had that effect. Whenever he entered a room the atmosphere buzzed with palpable electricity, his self-assurance a cloak that caused everyone else to defer to him without even realising that they were doing it. His very presence commanded respect from those around him. But it was even more pronounced in Arrantino, where his importance was beyond question.

A little overawed, she had found herself standing straighter as well, but of course Logan didn’t bat an eyelash, completely relaxed and at ease, and accepting the fawning attention with unquestioning self-confidence. And why wouldn’t he? This was the life he had been born into. And no doubt the attention would be even more servile if he did become King.

She wondered if the attention had something to do with why he didn’t want to become King and then reminded herself that she was not going to be curious about him. It only served to make her more aware of him as a man, instead of as her boss, and she was very afraid that if she continued down that road she’d never be able to get off it.

Turning to work to ground herself again in reality, she opened the first email. Now that most of the business world had learned that Logan was in Arrantino, and not at the helm of the bank as usual, she was inundated with frazzled clients demanding to know what was happening.

It was a diplomatic minefield and she relished the chance to navigate it because if there was one aspect of her life she was confident in it was her ability to do her job. Only she suddenly wondered how much longer she would have the job.

If Logan did become King he would no doubt want someone who was conversant with royal issues as his assistant. Someone like the lovely Margaux. Which meant that Cassidy would be out one place to live and one job. The thought landed like a sickening thud in her stomach. Not only would she be finding new accommodation, or a housemate, when she returned to New York, but she might be looking for new employment as well. For someone who saw change as akin to death, she couldn’t think of anything worse. It was as if some unseen force had taken hold of her life and shaken it up as if she were living inside a snow globe.

Glad when a new email landed in her inbox, she opened it to find that it was the list of marriageable young women his mother had promised to have her aide send through. Well, if that wasn’t enough to ground her in reality, nothing was.

Work, she reminded herself as she felt the weight of all the turmoil around her weighing her down once more. You’re here to work so get on with it.

Forty-five minutes later her phone rang from an unknown number.


‘GOOD AFTERNOON, MISS RYAN. It’s Leo, Logan’s brother. I can’t seem to get hold of my brother and I only have a short window to speak with him. Do you happen to know where he is?’

‘Yes, Your Majesty.’ Cassidy tried not to feel overawed, the King’s deep voice reminding her of Logan’s. ‘I believe he’s in his apartment. If you wouldn’t mind holding I’ll take the phone to him.’

‘Thank you


Pushing to her feet, Cassidy slid her heels back on and dashed out the door. Having no clue where to go, she approached a nearby footman and asked for directions.

‘I’ll take you there myself, ma’am. This way.’

Sensing the urgency permeating every cell of her body, the young footman didn’t waste time, wending his way up a grand staircase and along a richly decorated hallway until they reached a set of ornate cream doors.

She fervently hoped that Logan hadn’t gone anywhere else because she knew how important this call was to him and wondered why he hadn’t picked up his own phone.

‘This is it, ma’am, His Highness’s apartment.’

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