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‘Yes,’ he said. ‘Leo won’t be at the palace to meet us. He’s taken his new woman into hiding to protect her from the media fallout. He’s promised to call me later.’ By the disdain in his voice Logan wasn’t happy with that idea. ‘A press release is already being prepared to confirm his abdication. The palace is in lockdown to contain the fallout from the media speculation.’

‘That makes sense.’ Cassidy pulled up the stock market app on her tablet. ‘Arrantino banking stock has fallen by eleven percent in New York and while that’s not catastrophic the reports suggest that the spillover will affect trading in many of the local businesses. On top of that—’ she paused, knowing that he wouldn’t like this next bit ‘—the Peterstone Organisation has pulled out of the Westgate deal.’

Logan swore roughly. ‘Whoever leaked my brother’s plans to the press is going to wish that they hadn’t when I’m finished with them. But forget Peterstone. I suspect that they’re overcapitalised as it is and the leadership crisis has given them the excuse they were looking for to pull out without losing face. Instead contact the Kellard Insurance trustees. They showed some interest in investing in the tunnel at one point and I know they’re still looking for an equity stake to put their pension fund into. It might bridge the gap in time to make the tender deadline.’

Noting down everything he said, Cassidy looked up in time to see their car pass through a large stone archway that separated the countryside from the city of Trinia, Arrantino’s major metropolitan and business centre.

‘Wow, it’s beautiful,’ she murmured, her eyes glancing over a city that seemed to perfectly blend centuries-old buildings with brand-new constructions. ‘And hardly any traffic. That’s amazing for a city with just under a million citizens.’

Logan gave her an amused look. ‘That’s because the traffic has been cleared for our arrival. Once we’re through, this boulevard will resemble Fifth Avenue at rush hour.’

‘Oh, sorry.’ She turned her attention back to the tablet, embarrassed.

Logan took her chin in his hand and turned her face so that she was looking at him once more. ‘Why are you sorry?’

His fingers felt warm and strong and a liquid bubble felt like it burst deep inside her. ‘I just keep making mistakes.’

‘That wasn’t a mistake. You don’t know the royal protocol.’

‘No.’ Her throat felt thick and she swallowed, wanting to move and not wanting to move at the same time. ‘It’s just a little overwhelming, I suppose.’

Logan’s brows arched. ‘You’ll be fine. This will be all over before you know it.’

Cassidy sucked in a soft, deep breath when Logan released his hold on her, her traitorous skin tingling from his touch. Within moments they were turning into the wrought-iron gates that led to the Royal Palace. The cars rumbled slowly over the wide cobblestoned drive that opened out into a massive forecourt.

‘That’s my great-grandfather, Javier,’ Logan said, noticing her staring at a large statue of a military figure on a rearing horse as the cars stopped at the main entrance to the palace. ‘He prevented the French from invading our humble country, thus aligning ourselves more closely with the Spanish, and becoming a national hero.’

‘That would explain why Arrantinians speak a version of Spanish.’

‘We were part of Spain for a long time before my great-great-grandfather seceded, so we go back a long way with our neighbour. That wasn’t the easiest of battles either and you’ll see his painting front and centre as you walk through the front doors.

‘The palace is amazing. There must be a thousand windows on this side alone. I’ve seen pictures of it, of course, but in the flesh...’

‘It’s imposing. But it’s meant to be that way. To put off any interlopers who thought we were fair game for a small kingdom, and to make any others envious of Arrantino’s wealth.’

‘Ah, the shock and awe trick.’

Her lips curved into a smile, but Logan obviously didn’t share her humour because he turned away as a footman opened his door.

‘Your Highness.’

She tried not to let his abrupt dismissal affect her by reminding herself that she was here to work, not to entertain him, but she wasn’t completely successful.

He held his hand out to assist her from the car and Cassidy took it, even though she didn’t want to. He gripped her fingers firmly, releasing her as soon as her feet touched the ground as if he felt the same tremor that she did when they touched. Which was probably the most fanciful thought she’d had yet and was evidence that maybe she wasn’t as completely back to normal as she would like.

Something to work on.

Turning toward the stone steps, she was just in time to see Logan grin widely at the portly man in a suit and waistcoat standing to attention in front of him.

They greeted each other in Arrantinian before Logan turned back to her. ‘This is my assistant, Cassidy Ryan. Cassidy, this is Gerome. He has been with our family for, what is it, Gerome? One century or two?’

‘Sometimes it feels like two, Your Highness,’ the retainer deadpanned.

He shared a look with Logan that seemed to suggest that right now it seemed like even more.

‘Indeed.’ Logan shook his head. ‘Is my mother about?’

‘Her Highness has a meeting with the director of the festival of the arts but she has been informed of your arrival. Housekeeping is preparing your apartments for your return and the King advised that you are to have free use of his offices.’

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