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As hard as I can push into her, she pushes back. She’s squeezing and strangling me, swallowing me up and begging for more. My thighs burn as we slam into one another over and over and groans arise from deep inside my diaphragm.

“Keep going, Cole.”

Leaning over her, I take her earlobe between my teeth, run my tongue around the soft skin, “Did you give this ass to anyone else?”

“No,” she whimpers, “oh, Jesus, don’t stop, I’m so close.”

I know she is, I can feel every tremor and spasm as she clenches down on my dick.

“Come for me, then I’m going to fuck this tight, virgin ass,” I stand back up and give it to Emily as hard as she’s begging me to give it to her. The table may have survived the last ice age, but its days are numbered as it slams into the plaster, and the spindly, decorative legs start loosening and slanting.

“You want that?” I push my thumb in further and watch her muscles contract, sweat roll off her back.

“Yes, yes, please,” she begs.

“Then, fucking, come, for me,” I thrust my pelvis into her with everything I have. Emily brings the house down with an ear-piercing scream, her palms slapping the wall, then fists gripping the table, desperate for an anchor as she flies through her orgasm.

Her walls milking me, I let her ride out every spasm and quiver as she screams my name, then slowly pull out.

“Keep that ass up,” I tell her, give her a stinging smack on one gorgeous ass-cheek, and grab a bottle off the bureau. Had I been more prepared, I would have brought lube, but this will work nicely too.

“Get back over here and make good on your threats,” she wiggles her ass and taunts me.

“Such an impatient dirty girl,” I slap her other ass cheek, and she moans in satisfaction.

The liquid hits her skin as I drizzle it down her crack and spread it around. “Olive oil?” She watches me in the mirror.

“Extra virgin,” I grin down at her.

I line myself up and wrap an arm around her waist, work her clit, and kiss her neck until I feel her relax enough to push the head of my dick inside that tight ring.

She gasps and holds onto the table, her body melding with it.

“Relax, baby.”

She unclenches, and I push slowly, so slowly. Her body gives in underneath me, her muscles softening in surrender.

“Holy shit, more,” she pushes back, but I press a hand to her lower back to keep her still. Olive oil or not, I’m not a small guy, and I’m not going to let her impale herself. Emily likes pain, but the good kind. I’ll give her all of that, the kind that makes her scream for me, but no real hurt.

Gently, I move back and forth against her, a little more each time, and her moans pick up.


fuck, Em, you feel so good.” There’s so much pressure in my balls I don’t know how much longer I can keep this up with her clamping down on me and making those soft, desperate whimpers.

Her hips are writhing and jerking as I fill her up and keep circling her clit with my fingers. “More,” she begs.

Sinking all the way in, throwing my held to the ceiling and groaning, I slide in and out, deeper and deeper until my balls are up against her skin. Her head is pushed up against the mirror, exquisite pleasure written on her face.

“Just like that, yes, oh, Cole, I’m gonna come.”

Her tight channel tries to strangle my cock. A gush of cream hits my fingers between her folds when another orgasm builds in her.

“Come with me, gorgeous girl.”

Sweat trickles between us and mixes with the oil until we’re sliding skin on skin. Every muscle in her body goes taut and shakes like there’s an electric rod between us. She cries out for me, amidst every four-letter word and deity name her brain can muster.

Driving the table damn near through the wall, heat and boiling tension rocket down my spine, through my balls, and I’m coming in hot ropes inside her.
