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ht here with me.

I know I never stopped loving him.

“Bed, Cole,” I moan around his mouth, and I feel his lips turn upward. “No more perfect. Now.”

“Yes, ma’am,” he walks me across the hall back into the master bedroom and sets me to my feet next to the bed.

I kick off my shoes while he pulls my shirt over my head. My hands run over his smooth pecs, and I can feel his heart hammering, his chest heaving with breath as he unbuttons my jeans and shoves them down. Unsnapping my bra behind me, he catches the straps and yanks it off my arms until I’m nearly bare before him.

“Take off those panties and show me how wet I make you.”

I hold his stare and slide them slowly down my legs, then hand them to him. He smirks, inspects them, then drops them onto a dresser behind him.

Cole has always been in charge in the bedroom, since our very first time, and the way he’s breathing now, the way his eyes command mine, I know I’m in his control.

Completely exposed, he holds my chin with one hand, his gaze scanning me from my toes, up my legs and torso, over my breasts, and then he makes a full circle around me, soaking my body in. “So perfect,” he whispers into my lips when he’s made a full rotation.

Shoving his sweatpants down, I kiss his chest, and my hands graze his hard ass before tracing around to the front of his hips. I let my fingers slide down his hard shaft before I grip the base with my hand, and Cole lets out a hiss into my neck and drags his teeth across my skin.

A bead of precum forms on the tip, and I use my thumb to spread it across the broad purple head then stroke him, squeezing him as hard as I remember how he likes to be touched. He bends to kiss each of my nipples then pulls away. He walks to the nightstand beside the bed and pulls out a condom.

“Put it on me,” he hands me the packet, and I go to work, remembering this intimate part of our past.

He could tell me to do cartwheels right now, and I wouldn’t question it.

I slide the latex over his heavy dick, feeling the heat and the velvet skin as my hands glide over him. His fingers dip inside my pussy, and he whispers filthy comments in my ear about how drenched I am for him before he pushes me back onto the bed, and his body chases mine.

Supporting himself on his elbows, he attacks my mouth, and the head of his cock rubs up and down my clit, sliding effortlessly back and forth through my slick folds. I need him inside of me so badly I can barely breathe, my fingers gripping and clawing his back, desperate to feel him.

Cole’s left-hand grips my ponytail, and he jerks my head back before grinding down on me hard, his control slipping and his breathing picking up.

“You feel that, baby?”

“Yes,” I whimper in response.

“That’s how much I want you.”

The fingers of his right hand dig into my ass, and he pulls me into him harder. He pumps over me a few times, our motions growing more frantic.

“So long I’ve waited to bury myself inside this sweet pussy.” His hand slips between my legs, and his fingers start working me, his teeth marking my neck and breasts as we writhe against each other.

I can feel his need growing by the second, his body tensing, every muscle in his toned and cut body flexing.

“Cole, goddamn it,” I take his wrist in my hand, “I need you. Now.” I feel like I will implode without feeling all of him inside me.

In a swift movement with his hands on my hips, he rolls over onto his back and places me on top to straddle him. Holding the base of his cock up for me, he folds his other arm behind his head, and those blue eyes shimmer at me. He smiles, knowing exactly how desperate I am for him. “Take what you need, baby.”

With Cole guiding the tip, I slowly ease myself down onto him. An inch at a time, I have to start and stop, rock side to side, before I can finally sink all the way down.

We both groan, and the sweet burn of Cole filling me comes back for the first time in years. It’s so much better than I remember as I start moving up and down on him.

Somehow he’s even bigger and fits me even better. Fills up all the space inside of me like we were custom made for each other.

His fingers press into my hips, and I watch his face, his mouth open and head pushed back into the pillow. I can see his jaw tense, and his teeth clench, and I know he’s fighting the urge to throw me to my back and fuck me as hard as he wants to.

I love doing this to him, making him struggle against his control.

He rocks his hips up and thrusts into me every time I press down. “Fuck, that’s it, gorgeous girl, ride my cock.”
