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“Were you thinking about me when you fucked him?” He nips me.

“I, I didn’t.”

His tongue caresses my folds, and I just came thirty-seconds ago, but I need more of him. I pull his head into me, but he grabs my wrists and holds them against the bed.


I shake my head, my hair twisting up and covering my face.

“Why not?”

I raise my hips up, desperate for his mouth, he flattens his tongue and makes one slow swipe through me.

“He wasn’t you.”

He growls and buries his head between my thighs, kisses me all over.

“More,” I plead.

“I waited six years to taste this perfect, wet pussy again, Em. I’ll take my fucking time,” He takes one slow pass through me again. “I’m gonna lick and taste until you’re begging to come on my face.”

“Oh god,” I pant and fall back to the bed as he starts lapping at me, running his tongue up and down from my entrance to my clit. “When, when did you get so filthy?”

This is like Advanced Dirty Talk, compared to the 101-level course we took together so long ago.

He covers my whole core with his mouth for a second, his tongue flicking back and forth across my clit. Then he pauses and looks up at me over my heaving chest, “When you taught me, the way you blushed and got so wet for me the first time I took you.”

Oh, hell.

He wraps my legs around his shoulders and holds my thighs as I raise my pelvis and push against him. The stubble along his jaw adds to the delicious friction between us, and when he thrusts three fingers inside of me, it’s a magical blend of pleasure and pain coursing through me.

He sucks my clit into his mouth I buck into him. He grips my thigh so hard I’m going to have bruises tomorrow, but god I want them. He pushes me back onto the bed with his mouth.

“Don’t stop,” I pant, my calves locking up and clenching around him.

He moans into me and fucks me harder with his hand, sending my whole body rocking back and forth on the tiny bed. In two more flicks of that magic tongue, I’m quaking and squeezing his head between my thighs, my hips pivoting off the bed.

“Oh fuck, Cole. Yes, oh god,” I thrash my head back and forth, and he has to release my thigh to cover my mouth again so that every person in this paddock does not hear me screaming his name.

As the shudders and aftershocks run through me, Cole stands and pulls his fingers out of me. He traces them over my sweaty body, runs two fingers across my lips, then pushes them into my mouth.

He leans over me and kisses me with his fingers still in my mouth, the taste of my arousal swirling between us. He kisses me languid and slow and returns his hand to my pussy, cupping it in his palm as we come down.

“Bare now,” he smiles against my mouth.

“Mm, you like?”

“Fucking love it, gorgeous girl.”

Every time he calls me that I feel a rush of warmth inside me. It’s like slipping into a warm embrace, a cocoon of security and love.

“I need to shower and meet with the team. Take a nap,” Cole kisses me gently, sweetly, then stands up.

“You’re leaving?” I sit up and look at the bulge still very much present in his race suit.

He watches me while he reaches into his pants and adjusts himself. I’m wholly insatiable, and seeing him so hard, touching himself in front of me, I want him inside of me.

“I’ll be back. Sleep, baby.”
