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My mind is racing, and I try to shut down rogue, distracting thoughts, and focus on his hands, how good he smells, the feel of his weight against me. I can’t think about consequences right now.

I want this, I want him. I want all of him, and I want to keep him forever.

He sucks my bottom lip into his mouth and drags his teeth over me.

I unbutton his jeans, drag his zipper down, and slide my hand over the warm, thick bulge in his boxers that I want so badly. He hisses and his eyes snap shut as he rocks into my hand with the same tempo his fingers plunge into me.

Watching how good that makes him feel builds my confidence, turns me on even more. I raise my hips and focus on the heat building in my core.

“That’s it, Em, so beautiful,” he breathes and works me faster.

I feel myself get wetter and wetter, and I can’t control it anymore. My body tightens, and I grip Cole’s shoulder hard. I’m moaning and whimpering louder and louder as I start to cry his name.

His mouth covers mine, his tongue plunging into me to silence me as I come apart on his fingers and shudder as the tremors run through me.

He moves his body over mine, careful to support his weight, as I’m still panting deliriously. I push his jeans and boxers over his narrow hips. He kicks them down with his feet, and I feel his naked length fall against my stomach. Reaching between us, I grip it and feel the heat, how silky his skin feels.

Cole reaches for the nightstand and rips a condom open with his teeth. “Put it on me,” he hands it to me as he stares down at my face from above me. His blue eyes are dark and hooded, his face covered in a glossy sheen of perspiration.

I love making him so hot, so out of control. It makes me feel like a goddess to do this to him.

I slide the condom over him and watch his brows furrow as he tries to keep control of himself. I don’t want him to. I want him to lose control with me. I want to give him what he needs.

I want to be what he needs.

He holds himself up on his elbows next to my head and kisses me softly as I feel the head of his dick line up with my entrance. We’re doing this. I’m finally doing this with Cole Ballentine.

The guy everyone wants, I get him. He’s mine.

He pushes the head of his hardness into me, and I gasp and claw his shoulder. “Relax, baby, let me in.”

I drop my knees wider as he holds himself still, softly kissing me, licking my neck. His eyes are watching mine for the green light. I lift my hips to take more of him, and he pushes in further. “Cole,” I squint my eyes and grip him tighter, fingernails digging into his sun-bronzed skin.

“Look at me, Emily,” his hands move into my hair, and he forces my head straight to look into his eyes. “Feel how hard I am for you?”

I nod and run my hands across his gorgeous face. I watch his eyes dance and flicker along my face, the hunger inside them turning me on even more.

I want this to be good for him.

I want him to know how I feel about him.

“Make love to me, Cole.”

“Are you sure, baby?”

I’ve never been so sure of anything in my e

ighteen years of life. In this moment, my feelings are concrete, my desire and need for him unwavering. “I’m yours, take me.”

A surge of blinding, stinging heat overtakes my body as he makes a steady thrust into me. I cry out just as Cole smashes his mouth over mine, and my legs try to snap shut over his narrow hips. “Oww, fuck,” I whimper into him from the sting, the burn of his size stretching me.

“I got you, I got you,” he whispers softly, his thumb wiping away one tear that has started rolling down from a corner of my eye. “Let me move, baby, I’ll make it better.”

I release the grip my knees have around him and open myself up.

Cole starts to move, slowly pulling out of me. His eyes watch mine closely as he pushes back in. Within a few strokes, the pain subsides and turns into something else. The feel of him dragging against my walls, filling a place I never knew was empty, starts to tingle and loosen.

“Cole,” I moan and grip his hard ass, pulling him into me. Oh god, this feels good when I relax. This is an intimacy between us, unlike anything we’ve shared before.
