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If there’s one thing better in life than a true friend, it’s two true friends.


“THIS IS A celebration breakfast.” Eva put bowls and spoons in the centre of the table. “It went well! Everyone thought so. And at least six people asked for my card.”

“Me, too.” Frankie closed the book she was reading and put it down on the table. “Pass the yogurt, Ev. And while you’re i

n the fridge, pass me a diet cola. I’m so tired I’m thinking of drowning myself in it.”

Eva dived into the fridge and emerged with berries and yogurt. She ignored the cans of drink lined up in rows, saying, “You don’t really want that. I refuse to poison my best friend. One day I’m going to detox your fridge.”

Eva and Paige were in Frankie’s kitchen because Eva had been cooking since dawn and their own kitchen was covered in the results of her various culinary experiments.

Sunlight poured through the windows and pots of herbs clustered around the open door to the small garden. Every surface in Frankie’s small apartment was covered in plants she was propagating. They crowded the windowsills in rows and sat on the counters alongside notepads covered in Frankie’s neat handwriting.

“If even half of those people call, we’re going to be busy.” Frankie stood up and helped herself to a soda, ignoring Eva’s disapproving look. “And I love my fridge. My kitchen, my vice, my decision. You drink coffee. There’s no difference.”

“Coffee is a natural substance.”

Ignoring her, Frankie opened the can and sat down again. “I still haven’t recovered from the shock of seeing Matilda with Chase Adams.”

“They were perfect together. Cinderella and her Prince.” Dreamy, Eva reached for the food and knocked Frankie’s book off the table.

Frankie bent to retrieve it. “You never give up, do you?”

“No. Love is out there somewhere. For all of us. Even you, and—holy crap—” Eva snatched the book from Frankie, gazing at the photograph on the back. “This guy is smoking hot. Look at those eyes. Who is he? He’s a perfect romance hero. I think I’m in love.” She turned the book over and dropped it. “Ugh. Is that blood?”

With a sigh, Frankie picked it up again. “No. It’s tomato ketchup. The guy had an accident in the kitchen.”

“Sarcasm is very unattractive. I don’t know how you can read this stuff.”

“It’s called horror, and I love it. Lucas Blade knows exactly how to sneak into your mind and keep you awake at night—”

“I wouldn’t mind him keeping me awake at night, and I’m not talking about his book. Wait a minute—Lucas Blade?” Eva frowned and took the book from her. “That’s the author? The guy on the back?”

“Yes. And if you drop my book a third time I’ll eviscerate you.”

“It’s him.” Eva handed the book back triumphantly. “It’s Mitzy’s grandson! Remember I told you about him? The reclusive author. Lucas Blade.”

It was Frankie’s turn to stare. “You know Lucas Blade? Eva! He’s huge.”

“I told you he was well-known. I’m sure Mitzy could arrange an introduction if you’re interested.”

Frankie’s expression blanked. “No thanks. I admire his work, that’s all. Spend your day dreaming for yourself by all means, but don’t waste time dreaming for me.” She glanced at Paige. “So what time did you finally come home? We waited for you until two, and then gave up.”

“We were hoping you’d met someone to take your mind off Jake. Did you see that incredibly sexy British businessman with the wire-rimmed glasses?” Eva was wearing a shirt in a vivid shade of green teamed with a jeweled turquoise scarf. “There’s something about men in glasses. I want to rip them off and get up close so they can see me. Seriously, it makes me dangerous.”

“When are you not dangerous?” Frankie rubbed sleep out of her eyes. “Do you have to wear such bright colors so early in the morning? It’s blinding.”

“If my clothes are cheerful, I’m cheerful.”

“You’re always cheerful, even when it’s too early to be cheerful. If the world was ending, you’d still be cheerful. I’m going to dress you in black.” Frankie yawned. “Feed us, woman. It’s what you do best.”

“I am feeding you. Paige needs calories after the amount I’m betting she used up last night and this morning. And this is delicious. Try it. I included coconut.” Eva tipped homemade granola into bowls and gave Paige a knowing look. “So?”

“So, what? I love coconut. You know I do.” Paige, who’d had less than four hours sleep, should have felt like death but instead felt dizzy and energized. Her head was swirling with memories of the event, and Jake. Jake.

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