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She put her hand out and hoped he didn’t notice it was shaking.

He dropped a couple of screws into her palm. “Now I can take a closer look.”

“Look at what? What are you doing?” Whatever it was, she hoped it worked. “You’re intending to dismantle it and reprogram it? You’re going to hack into the FBI and tell them to come get us?” She wished they would. She wished anyone would. The walls seemed to close in a little more. Closing the screws in her fist, she wrapped her arms around herself and tried to breathe steadily.

Her heart rate had picked up and she felt panic swoop down on her.

Beads of sweat cooled her forehead. Was it her imagination or was the capsule shrinking?

Jake straightened. “Can you—” He broke off as he saw her face. “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing.” She clenched her teeth to keep them from chattering. “Just get us out of here.”

“I’m working on it.” He slid the screwdriver into his pocket. “Why do you always pretend to be all right when you’re not? Why not admit you’re scared?”

“I’m not scared. But I’d rather not spend an entire evening in an elevator.”

“It’s not going to plummet to the ground if that’s what’s worrying you, so don’t panic.”

“I’m not worried and I’m certainly not panicking.” Two lies in less than ten words. That was probably a record. Paige concentrated on her breathing, the same way she’d done countless times as a child.

Pretend you’re fine. Pretend you’re fine.

The panic grew.

“Do something, Jake.”

He turned back to the control panel so she couldn’t see what he was doing, but she heard him give a soft curse and slam his palm against the metal. “Doing my best, but unfortunately on this rare occasion my best isn’t good enough.” He leaned on the emergency button and moments later a disembodied voice echoed around the enclosed space asking what the problem was.

“We’re stuck in the elevator and a rapid extraction would be appreciated.” Jake named the building and the street and glanced at Paige quickly.

Still focused on her breathing, she gave him a look of disbelief. Rapid extraction? She mouthed the words and he shrugged and glanced up at the roof of the elevator.

“I thought it sounded better than ‘get us the hell out of here.’” He moved closer to the intercom. “What’s your name?”


“And where are you, Channing?”

“Houston, Texas, sir.”

Paige’s mouth dropped. “Houston—? How can someone a four-hour flight away be operating our elevator?”

Jake lifted a hand to silence her. “And how’s the weather down there right now, Channing? I bet you’re sweltering in a whole lot of heat and humidity.”

“Yes, sir.”

“So are we as it happens. And I’m with a lady who is starting to find this whole experience a little uncomfortable, so I’m going to need you to do whatever it is you do when there’s an emergency and get us out of here as fast as possible. And by that I mean preferably within the next couple of minutes.” Humor was neatly layered over steely authority.

“I’ll notify the maintenance team and the fire department. You stay right there, sir.” There was a pause. “And ma’am.”

As if they had any number of alternative options.

Paige leaned against the wall. Her chest ached and her heart was pounding.

“Hand me the screws—” Jake held out his hand and she stared at him blankly, trying to focus through the panic.

It was fine. Everything was going to be fine. Someone would get them out soon.

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