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“I had some business to discuss with my uncle. Thought I’d drop by and wish you all luck.”

With none of Paige’s reticence, Eva stood on tiptoe and kissed Jake on the cheek. “You’re the best, even if you are badly in need of a shave. Did you eat breakfast? Because I can fix you something.”

Paige gritted her teeth. Having him around made her jumpy.

“I had breakfast. My kind of breakfast.” Jake winked at Eva and she gave him a delighted smile.

“Don’t tell me. You had a naked blonde.”

“Don’t wind her up or she’ll be booking the Plaza for your June wedding,” Paige said. “He means that he drank nothing but espresso shots. That’s his kind of breakfast.”

“Did someone say naked blonde?” Matt walked in behind Jake, a tie draped around his neck and a stack of papers in his hands. “Don’t pick up your phone this morning, Paige. Mom already called four times. She and Dad heard the news about Star Events.”

“How? I thought they were in Venice.” Their parents, after years of barely leaving home, had finally embarked on a tour of Europe. Matt and Paige had both been receiving regular updates.

“They are. You know Dad. He can’t not stay up-to-date with the business news.”

“So they called to check up on me?” Her heart sank. “What did you say?”

“That you’d already found yourself another job and were doing fine.” He dumped the papers on the table. “Don’t spill anything on those, they’re important.”

“You told them I had another job?”

“Yes, and they asked for the name of the company so that they could check it out.”

Paige cringed. “So you caved and told them the truth?”

“Hey, do I look like a wimp?” Matt leaned across and stole some berries from the bowl Eva had placed on the table. “I’ve been handling them as long as you have. Longer, in fact, although things didn’t get complicated until you came along with your dodgy heart and blue lips. Attention seeking, I call it.”

“You think I dug a hole in my own heart?”

“Having seen the mess you made with your food when you were two, I wouldn’t put it past you. You were probably aiming for a chicken nugget and missed.” He always made her laugh.

“So you told them your life was too busy to be able to keep track of mine?”

“No. That would have brought them running home, and then I would have got it in the neck for not taking better care of you.” He ate the berries. “I told them you were excited about your new job—which is true—relieved to be away from Sociopathic Cynthia—also true—and then I gave them the highlight reel of my life and encouraged her to tell me about the frescos.”

Paige knew her mother would have talked for hours about frescoes.

“Thank you. I will tell them, but better to do it when things are up and running. I don’t want to worry Mom.”

“Agreed. And you don’t want her taking the first flight from Italy to come and see if her baby girl is all right.”

“I hate to say this, but you’re the best brother any girl ever had. Superbro.”

“I know. And for that reason alone you can feed me.”

“I’ll feed you,” Eva said. “Sit down, Superbro. You’re always welcome at my table, providing you promise never to show up wearing lycra.”

“No chance. But I can’t sit down. This is a walk-through breakfast.”

“A walk-through?”

“Yeah, I walk through and you hand me something. Preferably something with bacon in it.” He tied his tie, flicking one end over the other, and Jake watched, incredulous.

“What is the purpose of a tie?”

“It fools a certain type of client into thinking I know what I’m talking about. Paige, I’ve set up a meeting with my lawyer at 4:00 p.m. His offices, downtown. All three of you will need to be there. Don’t be late because the amount he charges makes Jake look cheap. After him, we’re seeing the accountant.” His phone beeped and Matt glanced down and read a text.

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