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There’s that we again.

“I’m fine,” I assure him, honestly glad that they were there for me before whoever that man was could hurt me. I don’t think Sylvie would’ve let anything happen, but hell, he could’ve drugged her as well. “Sylvie is okay?”

I’m surprised she’s not the one here with me, but I have no idea how last night unfolded.

“She’s fine. Stayed the night at the clubhouse.”

There isn’t a hint of discomfort in his voice when he gives me this little nugget of information, and I look up to check the expression on his face.

“She offered to give them a ride since I took one of the SUVs to get you home.” I continue to stare at him. “It was late.”

I huff, knowing my friend. If she was certain I was okay, she wouldn’t waste an opportunity to go to the Cerberus clubhouse and stay the night without spending it in one of the members’ beds. Kudos to her for being so free. Some days I wish I had that ability.

“Was there something else?” I ask as the stare down continues.

He shakes his head. “Just want to make sure you’re okay.”

“I appreciate you helping me last night, for protecting me.” This is something I know to be true of all the Cerberus men I’ve met. They’d never see a woman in danger and not step in to correct the situation. I know Kincaid is well aware of the quality of the men he employs, but I’ll have to thank him personally. “And thank you for not taking me to the hospital. At least I won’t have to worry about nasty rumors being spread.”

“You’re welcome, but I’ll confess that I wanted to.”

I give him another nod, this conversation growing even more stilted and awkward as it continues.

“I imagine you have things to do today. Once again, thank you for helping last night, and for sticking around and making sure I was okay. I don’t imagine Slick was very impressed with staying here with you.” There was absolutely no point in that last part, but here we are.

“Neither of us minded, Faith. Are you sure you’re okay?”

“Positive,” I respond as I stand, only now realizing just how intimate it feels for me to be sitting on the closed toilet lid while he looks on.

He doesn’t hesitate to back out of the bathroom when I inch forward, but he doesn’t make a move to leave.

Noises in the kitchen make him look over his shoulder as if he’s just now realizing we aren’t alone in the house.

“You better get her back to the clubhouse. All I have in the house is decaf.”

He nods, understanding that he’s been dismissed.

“Take care, Faith.”

And then he’s gone. I stand in the middle of my bedroom and wait until the sound of the front door closing echoes through my little house.

Chapter 7


“I appreciate you,” I tell Slick as she pulls up to the clubhouse.

“No problem,” she says with an easy smile.

“You slept on her couch. That’s a big ask.”

She turns to look at me. “Don’t forget that I’m a Marine. I’ve slept in much less comfortable places.”

I chuckle a little.

“Does this mean you’ll stop trying to analyze me?”

Her grin grows. “I can’t help it when I do that.”

“I wish you would,” I mutter.

“Afraid I’ll see just how infatuated you are with her?”

My eyes dart away. “She needed help.”

“She did,” Slick agrees. “And you took charge of the entire situation like she was yours to care for.”

I wish I could control the tick in my jaw at her words, but I’m exhausted, making it impossible.

“Don’t be like that, Legend. She seems like an amazing woman.” She doesn’t give me time to argue, not that I would, before she climbs out of the vehicle.

Kincaid and Shadow meet me in the living room the second I step inside the building.

“She okay?” Kincaid asks, his face emotionless even though I know the man is livid about what happened to Faith last night.

We spend our lives protecting women, and to know something so heinous is happening right in front of our eyes is like a slap in the face.

“She says she is,” I tell them, my hand automatically going to the back of my neck, as if rubbing the muscles there will relieve some of the tension that’s built up over the last ten hours from worrying about her and falling asleep in that tiny chair near her bedroom window. It doesn’t help, but I’m not one to complain about shit like that.

“And she’s going to the police station later?” Shadow asks.

“She says she is.”

“She will,” Kincaid says. “Get some coffee, Legend. I’m grateful you were paying attention last night and caught it early.”

I give my boss a nod as I walk past. Was he hinting that he knew my attention was on her from the second I walked in until I carried her out last night, or am I just imagining it?
