Page 31 of Tamed

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But that’s exactly what you’re doing. She paused for a moment and made her decision. “I see no reason why we can’t be friends, Brian,” she said with a neutral tone. Danielle forced a smile on her face. “But I don’t think we can get back together. I’ve already moved on. I will always cherish the memories we have. I’m ready to embrace the next chapter of my life and so should you.”

Brian didn’t speak for a long time. He seemed to be having a hard time believing her. “Ah.” He tore his gaze off her. “I guess I deserve this. I understand you’re still mad.”

Eh? What? “I’m not mad, Brian. I’ve gone through the five stages of grief and I’ve come to accept our breakup. Like I said before, I’m ready to turn over a new leaf. I’ve met someone.” Actually two men. “And I really like him.” Crazy love them. “I want to be with him.” Once I locate them.

Brian searched her face as if she were playing a joke on him. “You’re serious?”

“I am.”

“That fast? It’s only been a few months. We’ve been together more than five years. Even I hadn’t been able to forget about you, Danielle. I caved in because of my family pressure and even then, I still couldn’t let go, after everything we have been through.”

Well, who dumped who? Now he made her sound like a dick. Irritation crept into her head. “Brian, I don’t think we should be discussing this. You’re the one…” Her words evaporated as she saw a big white tiger leap in front of Brian’s car then pounce on the hood of the vehicle.

Brian screamed in surprise as the car’s front tires squashed and deflated from the big cat’s weight. “What the hell is that?” Brian pulled out his phone and dialed 911. “It’s someone’s pet on the loose.”

Danielle stopped him. “Don’t. I think I know who that tiger belongs to.” She unlocked her door.

“Don’t.” Brian halted her. “Are you crazy? That’s a freaking tiger!”

“I know.”

“Danielle!” He grabbed her arm.

“It’s just a tiger, Brian. Chill.” Danielle pushed him away and exited the c


Dane emerged a heartbeat later followed by Collin getting out of a black SUV double parked behind a row of cars. Dane swept her into his arms and kissed her before she could utter a word.

She couldn’t believe it. Dane and Collin came for her from New York. They were looking for her. They hadn’t forgotten. An immense relief washed over her.

“I’m not dreaming, am I?” she murmured.

Dane pinched her arm.

“Ouch.” She winced.

“No, you’re not dreaming,” Dane said.

Collin pushed his brother aside and kissed her. “Found you,” he whispered. “Don’t ever think we’d let you go. Ever.”

“How did you find me?” Danielle looked around. People inside Starbucks watched as if they were a circus attraction. Some held up their phone and started recording.

“Evan.” Collin nodded at the white tiger. “He’s good at tracking. We’ve been all over Miami since this morning and he got a whiff of your scent just now.”

The tiger wore a collar. Dane held the leash.

Danielle suddenly alarmed. “Is he a real tiger?”

“Don’t be silly. Evan is our cousin. The leash is a formality so people think he’s a pet.” Dane realized they had become a magnet of unwanted attention. “Let’s go, Danielle. We should leave before someone calls a cop on us. Oh. Shit.”

A siren was in the background. Dane yanked the leash and herded the tiger back into the SUV.

“Wait! I have something to tell you,” Danielle said breathlessly.

Dane and Collin paused.

“I haven’t got the chance to answer your question back in New York.” She blinked. “Yes. I do.”

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