Page 3 of Dragon Hunts

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A triumphant smile slowly spread on his face. He’d found hard evidence to support his claim—my body didn’t lie.

“Don’t tell me you don’t want me.”


It should have been easy. Lie and everything would be back to normal. I didn’t need a man. I had a son to think about and a deranged ex I needed to hide from.

“Mr Cairne—”

He narrowed his eyes.

“Declan,” I corrected myself. It took all my will power not to moan the name. “It’s too complicated. You wouldn’t understand. I’m not looking for a relationship at the moment.


“So you’d prefer something strictly sexual?”

I blushed. “That’s not what I meant.”


“I mean, I’m nobody. And I’m a single mother. Meanwhile, you’re…you…” My words died out under his stare. I’ve never been eloquent with my speech. My parents had never encouraged free expression and during the years I’d spent with Lorenzo I’d kept my feelings bottled up.

His gaze softened. “I understand you have your reasons, but I don’t see why you have to be afraid of taking chances. You don’t even know how it will turn out. It could be good for us. And Bobby. All I’m asking from you is that you have a little faith and take a chance with me.”

I pondered that. Logically, he was right. But I still wasn’t sure. There was so much about me Declan didn’t know—like my true identity.

I’d walked out on Lorenzo with only the clothes on my back and my son in tow. A friend of mine had arranged to get me a new driver’s licence and social security number. Knapp was the name she’d invented. Bobby’s birth certificate and school records were also fakes. Building a relationship based on lies wasn’t something I wanted to venture into.

I felt like I would be cheating.

Declan blinked. His lush golden lashes swept down and back up. “Tell you what. We’ll settle this right here, right now. If you don’t want me, say you don’t want me. I will stop and we’ll get out of here as if nothing has happened. But if you want me”—the fire in his eyes blazed fiercely—“kiss me on my lips and show me just how much you want me.”

He enclosed me in his arms and settled his lips on mine, gaining an unfair advantage. How was I supposed to think? He was a man who really knew how to kiss like he meant it, body and soul, making me feel cherished and desirable. To make matters worse, he slipped his fingers into my panties, caressing my wet seam. It was hard to think straight when I had a man’s hand at my groin, petting me as if I was his favourite kitty cat.

I clenched my fingers on his suit lapels. I meant to push him away, to put some distance between us. But I found myself taking a nibble of his warm lips.

It seemed that was the only confirmation he needed. He kissed me in one long mind-numbing kiss. He only gave me the chance to gasp for breath when I was about to faint from lack of oxygen.

I panted. “I meant—I didn’t want you…”

His smile was cruel and haughty. “That’s not what you said, Jessie.” He hitched up my skirt. Unceremoniously, he wrenched my panties down to my ankles. With one swift move, as if he was shaking off an annoying dog, he yanked my panties from my heel. “You can’t deny the chemistry between us.”

Of course he was right. The man could make a woman wet in five seconds flat. Me especially. “But, Declan—”

He leant back. “Come here. Sit on my lap.”

Heaven and Stars!

I supposed I could ask for my panties back and salvage the situation by not following his order. But I’d have been lying to myself. Despite what logic told me, I wanted him. Lusted for this man. I was burning with need. I swallowed a chest full of resentment towards myself as I scooted down and straddled him like he asked.

Declan hissed. He seized my naked ass and pulled me closer until our groins met. He was hard. His cock made an impressive tent in his thousand-dollar designer slacks. He ground his hips as if it was his way of letting me know he wanted me just as badly. A jol

t of pleasure shot down my spine as my pussy ground against his erection. I bit my lower lip. I noticed I wasn’t the only one panting.

“Sweet Jessie.” Declan cleared some stray hair from my face. “Take off your blouse.”

My hands were trembling as I unbuttoned the collar. Declan took my hands and brought them to his mouth. He kissed my knuckles and sucked a finger. I moaned.

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