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He began to chuckle. “You’re right—I haven’t slept well in months.”

“You see, I was right.” Grace stuck out her chin. “I’m a woman and we’re sensitive to these kinds of things.”


but you were wrong about the reason. It’s not work—it’s you. I haven’t slept well since you first broke up with me. You screwed up my mind.”

“What? Are you saying I’m the reason you look so bad?”

“I didn’t know I looked that bad.”

“You do!” Ben smirked; “You look like...” He stopped, glancing at Grace, before he continued. “Uhmm, you look like something that comes out of the south end of a chicken.”

Brad rolled his eyes toward his brother. “Thanks so much, Ben. As always, your input is so helpful.”

“I’m sorry I tried to control everything myself. I’m kind of used to being in charge. Yesterday, Mom told me everything would work out if we made the decisions together.”

“I wish you would’ve talked to your mom a long time ago.” His smile was devastating. How could she have kept herself away from him for so long?

Grace leaned over to press her lips gently against his forehead.

“Really?” he teased. “After risking my body to save you from the evil plastic surgeon, all I get is a forehead kiss?” He pulled on her arm, reeling her in. “Come here.”

She pulled against him, her face burning with the knowledge Ben was watching them, but she didn’t resist too hard. She really missed kissing him. He was grinning and she was giggling as she let him win the battle. His hand slipped behind her neck, dragging her face toward his waiting lips.

“Brad?” A feminine voice interrupted their game. “What’s going on?”

Grace jerked out of his grasp, straightening to stare at Kara Dickson.

“Kara? What are you doing here?” Brad asked.

She ignored his question. “Are you back with her? I can’t believe it! When we made love this afternoon, you told me you weren’t dating anymore.”

Grace felt the blood draining from her face, as revulsion boiled in the pit of her stomach. She looked at Brad, waiting for him to deny the accusation.

“Kara, I don’t believe that happened,” said Brad. “In fact, I don’t even remember being at your apartment.”

“You don’t remember? You don’t remember being with me?” Tears began to streak down her face. “You don’t remember any of those things you said to me?”

Josh stashed his phone and stepped forward to take Kara’s elbow. “Dr. Dickson, this isn’t the time—”

“Not the time?” She shook her arm from his grasp. “When is the time? After I find out I’m pregnant? We didn’t use protection, so it could happen. What were you planning to do? Did you think I would get an abortion? Because I won’t do it!”

Grace didn’t realize she was moving until she heard Brad’s voice calling behind her, “Grace! Wait, Grace! Don’t go!”


Brad was struggling against Josh, who was holding him down. “Don’t move! You can’t move! I’ll go after her! Just promise me you’ll lay here!”

“Please,” he gasped for breath. “Please stop her. Bring her back.” He felt a sharp pain in his chest as if someone had ripped his heart from his body.

“Okay. Just don’t move!” Josh flashed a deadly look at Kara before running out the door.

Brad squeezed his eyes shut, embarrassed to realize there were tears on his cheeks. He felt a cool hand caressing his arm and opened his eyes to find Kara at his bedside. He jerked his arm away. “Don’t touch me!”

“How can you say that? How can you simply turn your emotions off like that? You said we had something special—something real.”

He had no answer for her. Part of him didn’t believe her story, but he couldn’t remember most of what he’d done that day. If he’d truly slept with her, he would despise himself. He wouldn’t even use the concussion as an excuse. A chill of death settled in his bones. Life was cruel to tease him with hope and jerk it away.

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