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“Put your hands up,” Evan yells and the shooter does slowly, causing us to move faster, but stay together. We have to work as a team against this unknown threat. Our weapons are drawn, guiding us to his location.

Nate takes the lead from Evan, moving swiftly over the forest floor. Leaves and twigs snap under our feet, indicating to the shooter how far away we are from him. This isn’t the way missions should be done, but there hasn’t been any rhyme or reason to this one. Nate reaches him first, pinning his hands easily to his back while I keep my gun on him.

“Holy fuck,” Evan blurts as he shines his flashlight on the assailant.

“What?” Both Nate and I say at the same time. I lift my night vision goggles and walk around to the front with my gun steady. My mouth drops when I see our supposed to be dead team leader, River. I don’t know if I should shoot him, kick him, or tie him up and hand him over to the authorities. What I do know is that I’m about tell him that his bullet missed.

“You killed your wife, not mine,” I tell him.

“That was my intent.”

“What the fuck, man, I thought you were dead? Your house blew up. I was there. I saw it!” Evan exclaims, with Nate now by his side. Both of them have dropped their guns, but mine remains steady and aimed at his chest. I don’t know why or how he’s here, but I don’t trust him even though he’s killed his wife. I turn on my helmet flashlight so I can get a good look at him. There doesn’t seem to be a damn thing wrong with him. If he’s been hiding or on the run, he’s been doing a fine job staying clean and well fed.

“Start talking, motherfucker, before I pump you full of lead!” The sudden outburst of anger rolls through me as I stare at him. If it weren’t for him,

we wouldn’t be in the position we are in today. I wouldn’t be standing here with my gun pointed at my team leader while my wife tends to her other husband. We’d all be on base, living our lives and worrying about the next terrorist threat.

I can feel Evan and Nate’s eyes on me, but I don’t care. As far as I’m concerned he’s responsible for everything that has happened because he brought that crazy bitch into our lives. Without her sick and twisted lifestyle, I’d be home right now nursing a fucking beer. Instead I’m in the middle of nowhere with my finger adding a bit of pressure to the trigger that’s going to release the bullet which will kill the man in front of me.

River slowly turns his head to look me in the eyes. He doesn’t try to shield the light from his eyes, or move this hands even though I know Nate hasn’t tied him up. Instead he remains on his knees, waiting to see if I’m going to end his life.

“I don’t know where to start,” he says, earning a scoff from me.

“The beginning works.”

“Come on, let’s take him inside.” Evan grabs River’s arm, helping him up. I don’t agree, but I have a feeling I’m outnumbered when Nate bends to pick up River’s belongings. I follow behind, keeping my gun aimed at River’s head. One move and he’s dead.

Evan takes River through the front door where chaos has ensued. Penny is sobbing and Rask is covered in blood. I glance quickly around the room and see that Frannie is still on the floor and Claire isn’t down here, at least not that I can see. I drop to my knees and set my gun down.

“What can I do?”

Rask shakes his head. “The paramedics are on their way, but he’s lost a lot of blood. I can’t stop the bleeding.”

My hand reaches for Penny, pausing briefly before I place it on her back. She doesn’t acknowledge me and part of me dies a little on the inside. I know it shouldn’t bother me, but it does. She’s supposed to be my wife, not this guy who is dying on their couch. She’s supposed to seek comfort in me, but can’t because her heart doesn’t belong to me anymore.

“Holy shit,” Cara curses as she bursts through the door, startling all of us with her stealth-like ninja skills. I swear a SEAL trained her with how quietly she can move around. We make eye contact quickly before another holy shit comes tumbling out of her mouth when she spots River being held by Evan.

“I should’ve left instructions on how not to kill anyone while I was gone.”

“We didn’t kill anyone,” Nate says. “River shot Frannie through the window and her reaction caused her gun to go off and shot Barnes. When we came in, Penny was duct taped to the chair and Barnes had his hands tied behind his back.”

“Shit,” she mutters, pulling out her phone.

I try to focus my attention back on Penny, rubbing her back for comfort while she whispers into her husband’s ear. I turn away, trying not to eavesdrop, giving them the privacy they need.

“The ambulance is pulling in now. Evan, you take River and get the hell out of here. Of all of you he’s classified as dead. Where did the bullet that hit Frannie come from?” Cara questions.

Evan pushes River through the kitchen and out back.

“The window,” Nate answers.

“Shit, why did he have to go and shoot her?”

That’s what we want to know, but haven’t got any answers yet.

“Where’s Claire?”

“Upstairs, I think.” I shrug, not knowing where my daughter is. Even if I went to her, she wouldn’t know who I was, so maybe it’s best if Cara goes to find her.

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