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“How do you know?”

Tucker sits up straight, releasing my hands; they fall limp to my side. The only one I told was the police officer because the MPs didn’t believe me that something happened in our home. The police officer tried to talk to Lawson, but had nothing to keep him on.

“My private investigator uncovered the police report you filed and the thing is, Penny, we believe it because Lawson was the reason we were over there. He’s the reason you were told we were dead. I remember the day before we left. Claire and I were outside and I was taking pictures.”

I nod, remembering all too well the photos I hid in the house. Lawson was in one of them and I knew he was bad.

“I confronted him, and the next thing I know we were off and never coming back.”

“He kept you there?”

Tucker nods and lets his tears flow. “That man is ten shades of fucking crazy. He’s part of a sex ring we uncovered. Archer killed their leader right off, but there were so many waiting to take his place. God, to think of what would’ve happened to Claire if you hadn’t ran.”

“I had to, Tucker. He was going to take her from me.”

He stands and comes over to me, resting his forehead against mine. His lips graze mine briefly, igniting something that died in me a long time ago.

“Do you love him?”

I nod.

“Is he good to Claire?”

I nod again.

“Okay,” he says without moving. I don’t know what that means. Hell, I don’t know what any of this means. My husband, the one I thought was dead, is holding me now and all I can think is that this is a dream, a really fucked up dream. When I wake, where will I be?

Tucker stands and walks toward the front of the room. “I’ve had some time to think, and while not all my thoughts are rational, I’m not going to ask you to leave him. You didn’t know I was alive and it’s selfish of me to expect you to drop your new life to come back with me. But I want to know Claire.”

I listen to his words and can’t believe I’m in this situation. Two husbands, a fake name, and a lie are what my life comes down to.

“I need some time, Tucker. This is all too much for me to take in right now. I mean, you’re alive. So are Evan, Justin, and River … I need time to deal.”

“River’s dead, Penny. He died after we came back. It’s a mess that’s all I can say.”

Tucker walks back to me and pulls me in his arms. “I love you. I hope you never questioned my love for you in all these years.”

I shake my head. “I haven’t.”

He kisses me just below my ear, but I pull away before he can get any closer to my lips. Ray doesn’t deserve to be cheated on. I don’t care if Tucker’s my husband, too.

Or is Ray not my husband?

“I need to get back. I need to tell Ray what’s going on. He doesn’t know … anything.”

Tucker clears his throat. “The threat is eminent, Penny. She’s out there. I saw her in New York so it’s just a matter of time. We’ll be watching your house, following you around to make sure she doesn’t hurt you.”

I nod, expecting nothing less.

GETTING BACK INTO CARA’S car was the last thing I wanted to do. I have never felt as torn in my life as I do now. To say I’ve been dealt a shitty hand is an understatement. I’ve always prided myself on being a good person: volunteering at soup shelters, donating when I can, and helping those who need assistance. So someone tell me why this is happening to me? My life has been good. I can’t say it’s been great because I’ve had a hole the size of the Grand Canyon in my chest, but it’s been gradually filling. I live a quiet, peaceful, life and keep to myself. I don’t engage in rumors and gossipmongers and always treat people with respect. And yet my world is crumbling down around me.

Why? What did I do to deserve this?

In a matter of minutes I’m going to

have to paste a smile on my face and act like everything is okay when it’s not even close. I’m going to have to ask my husband if he’s ready to go home and explain to him where I’ve been for the past hour. He’s going to want to sit down, watch a television show, and maybe enjoy a hot cup of cocoa. I’m going to sit with him because it’s what I always do and instead of flipping through my magazine or working on a crossword, I’ll sit there with my heart pounding so hard my ears will vibrate. My palms, already clammy, will be so cold my fingertips will start to turn blue and no amount of rubbing them down my pant leg will warm them up.

I’m going to have to tell him, the man who took my daughter and I in when we had nothing, that I’ve been living a lie. I should’ve never gotten involved with him, but the thought of providing for Claire was too great to deny.

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