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“By getting me in to see Lawson. He knows where my family is and I want answers.” I lean forward on the table so Nate can see I’m serious. “Maybe if we scare him enough he’ll start singing. Remind him that he’s about to become Bubba’s bitch.”

“Unfortunately, I think our answers are back in Coronado, and I have a feeling the person who is going to be able to help the most is Slick Rick.”

“The bartender? Are you nuts, Evan?” Nate barks out, asking the question before I can.

Evan shakes his head. “Tell me who else has access to everyone that comes in and out of his bar, and the ability to talk your ear off until you’re divulging all your secrets over a pint of beer. Alcohol and truth telling go hand-in-hand, especially when you have secrets.”

“Remind me to never drink around you.” I punch Evan in the shoulder as we all start laughing.

“As much as I hate to admit it, I think you have a point.” Nate rolls his eyes at the compliment he just paid his brother. For all the unease Evan was showing upstairs toward Nate, its definitely not being shared now. It must have to do with Ryley and EJ when Nate’s around, because right now you wouldn’t know that there’s anything wrong between these two.

AFTER WE FINISH REHASHING how we ended up dead and returned home alive, Evan shows us the gadgets he has installed in and around his house. Nate, who thinks this room is overkill, is happily playing with everything. Even I’m impressed and I’ve been staying here.

“What about guns? What do you have on-site?” Nate asks, as he moves one of the cameras around.

“What do you want?” Evan shrugs and glances at something on his phone. I already know a few of the guns he has, but have a feeling there’s a whole arsenal of weapons stashed somewhere around here.

Nate looks at Evan and shakes his head, but not before he cracks a huge ass smile. I’m guessing he has a pretty decent idea of what Evan is hoarding and appreciates it.

“Cara’s here and Ryley says she’s ready for dinner,” Evan says, pocketing his phone. He opens the door and waits for us to leave before turning off the light and locking back up.

The four of us walk up the stairs so quietly you’d think we were on a mission. It’s the training that never leaves; always light on your feet, ready to go when the phone rings.

Honestly, I miss the phone ringing. I miss having a job and a place in this world. Being in the Navy, being a SEAL gave me purpose and some fucker has taken that away from me when I didn’t deserve it. I’ve always done things by the book, even exceeding the requirements because I had to prove to myself that I could. If the assignment were to run a mile, I’d try for two. When others would take shortcuts, I went the long way.

I stayed out of trouble, always doing what I was told, so why me? Why my family? And why River? He seems to be the missing link, along with why Frannie chose him. And Lawson—is my family on the lam because that prick wanted my kid and couldn’t have her? Or is it because we saved the girl he raped and sent her back to her mother, a woman that left him?

As soon as I reach the top of the stairs I’m hit square in the chest by what I see. Nate is standing with his arm wrapped around Cara. Evan is with Ryley with EJ on his back. Rask is staring out the sliding glass door with his back to everyone, and I’m feeling sorry for myself, watching happiness unfold in fron

t of my eyes. And I have to ask myself again, Why me?

“McCoy, wanna help with dinner?” Evan asks as he hands Nate a plate of steaks and ribs.

“Yeah, Archer.” Only after I say his name do I realize having the twins in the house could be awkward when it comes to their names, but then again if I need one, they’ll both come running so it could be comical.

“Tucker, do you remember Cara?” Ryley asks, always the hostess.

“I do, but I don’t think we’ve ever been fully introduced.” I extend my hand to shake hers. “I’m Tucker McCoy.”

“It’s nice to officially meet you, McCoy.”

“You too?” Ryley exclaims, throwing her hands up in the air. She comes over and molds herself to my side before placing her hand on my chest. “Why can’t you call him Tucker?”

Cara shrugs. “Because in our line of work we go by last names. To the guys I’m Hughes.”

“But you’re a woman. Don’t you want to feel like a woman when you’re in the presence of these men?” Ryley points at all of us. “I mean, look around, Cara. We have four highly trained lethal weapons who are willing to do whatever we ask. Just think of how they’d turn to mush if you said their names with a bit of honey added.”

I stand, frozen in place, not knowing what to say. If I didn’t know Ryley, I’d think she’s trying to come on to one of us, or trying to entice Cara to. I don’t know, but I’m suddenly hot under my shirt and trying to step away.

When Evan starts laughing, Ryley rolls her eyes and flips him off.

“Shut up, Archer,” she says, pushing him away from us. I pull Ryley behind me, intent on protecting her from her soon-to-be husband.

“I’m sorry, babe, but come on what the hell was that?”

“I’m sorry,” Ryley says as she comes out from behind me. “I’m here all day with you and Tucker, and all I hear is McCoy and Archer. And now Nate and Justin are here, so you add them to the mix. I just want Cara to be a girl. Is that too much to ask?”

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