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Adam’s yelling gets my attention and I try to compose myself as I look at him. “What?”

“You’re um … well, you’re holding the knife like you’re about to kill someone. I’ve read stories about people blacking out and committing murder, and honestly I don’t want to die today.”

I glance at the knife in my hand, one I don’t remember picking up, and set it down on the counter. Wiping my hands on my apron as if they’re dirty, I step away. I need some water or something, but moving seems so unnatural right now.

Suddenly, the bell above the door chimes and a family walks in. They’re loud and the kids take off in opposite directions, searching for what their hearts desire.

“Amy, are you okay?”

Glancing at Adam, I fake a smile. I nod as memories that I’ve long hidden come rushing back.

The doorbell chimes throughout the house, waking Claire from the nap she was taking on my chest. We’ve been up for who knows how long dealing with her cough and runny nose that sleep has evaded us. I drag my tired ass to the door, pleasantly surprised to see Frannie together with a man dressed in a suit standing there.

“Hey, Fran,” I say, letting her come in. The man follows her, eyeing Claire the entire time.

“Penny, this is my friend from high school, Ted Lawson. He’s a state senator making his rounds and thought he’d spare me some of his time today. This is Penny McCoy. Her husband is the SEAL I was telling you about.”

“What about Tucker?” I ask, mid-yawn and handshake.

“Oh, just that River is his team leader and I’ve been making sure all the wives are doing okay since they’ve been gone.” Her smile is sweet and on the inside I’m rolling my eyes. She doesn’t know jack shit about Ryley or me and is trying to weasel her way into our lives. Frannie married River a few days before the guys deployed. That doesn’t make her the queen bee around here.

“You look tired,” she says, her tone laced with pity.

“I am. Claire isn’t feeling well, and we haven’t sleep in what feels like days. I haven’t even showered.”

Frannie reaches for her, and Claire goes willingly. “Why don’t you go and take one now? I’ll watch Claire for you.”

The thought of a nice hot shower does sound like something I need. “Thank you, Frannie. I won’t be long.” I kiss Claire on the top of her head and make a beeline for the stairs. Before I head up, I take a look at her friend, finding it odd that she brought him here. However, I’m so tired nothing makes sense. He’s sitting on the couch, reading my recent fashion magazine and seems harmless. Besides, he’s a state senator; I guess I should feel lucky he’s in my house.

I stay in the shower longer than I had planned, and even take the time to blow dry my hair before heading back downstairs.

“Frannie, I can’t thank you enough,” I say as I come down the stairs, stopping short when I don’t see Frannie, but only her friend. He’s lying on the couch without his shirt on and Claire is lying on top of him, naked. It takes my mind a minute to register what I’m seeing as his hand is caressing her bottom.

“What’s going on here? Where the hell is Frannie?” I pull Claire off of him and wrap her in my arms; she’s lethargic and limp. “What’d you do to my daughter?” I scream at him as he moves at a snail’s pace.

He puts his hands up. “I was just helping her feel better.”

“By taking off her clothes? You’re a sick fuck. You need to get out of my house.” I move quickly around the room, searching for her clothes, but can’t find them. “Where are her things?” I ask, but he doesn’t answer. I can feel him behind me and I go rigid.

“Good-bye, lovely Claire. Until we meet again.”

Turning, I glare at him. “What the fuck are you talking about? You will not come anywhere near my daughter. I’m calling the police.”

He sets his hand on my shoulder and leans closer. “You’ll do no such thing, or your worst nightmare will come true.”

Before I can comprehend his words, he’s out of my house and I’m standing there with a baby that is barely moving and completely naked. I run upstairs as fast as I can and get her dressed. Rushing back down the stairs, I open the door—half expecting him to still be standing there—and put her into the car. My first stop will be the hospital to have her checked out. The second stop is the police. Whoever this man is, he needs to be called in for questioning. If he hurt my baby, I’ll be his worst nightmare.

Only when the bell on the front counter dings again do I snap out of the day that changed my life forever.

“My name is Amy Barnes,” I mumble under my breath, forcing myself to remember who I am and reminding myself that Ted Lawson can no longer hurt us.

RYLEY DROVE ME TO meet with Marley this morning, claiming that it was no big deal because she had to go make an appointment with a wedding dress consultant. When I asked Archer why he wasn’t going, I got the death glare. I know when Ryley is out of the house it gives him time with EJ, but I also know when he’s not near Ryley, he starts to panic a little. He’s also preparing himself for the arrival of Nate and Cara, who called last night to say they’re coming to town in a few days. Evan isn’t happy; Ryley is thrilled. I’m hoping Ryley is thrilled because Cara will be here and not just Nate, given the history between them.

I’m waiting. It’s all I ever do these days. Marley has a client in her office, and from what I’m gathering this was a spur of the moment appointment. Without a secretary or a two-room office, she has standing room in the hall to wait and from my experience last time, Marley is punctual.

It’s been just over a week since I’ve seen her, and even though she called last week, she had to cancel our meeting saying her lead didn’t pan out. Today, I’m physically in the hallway outside her office at her request.

When her door opens, a woman comes out. Our eyes meet briefly and I can tell she’s been crying. It’s probably not a good thing as I can only imagine the news she was given isn’t good. For all I know, I could be facing the same sort of news when I step in.

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