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Her scent lingers in the air, it reminds me so much of the beach. The smell of suntan lotion mixed in with coconut. This woman, she’s going to be the one for me. I knew it with just a single touch.

“So, tell me something about yourself?” she asks.

I’m not usually one to talk about myself. I’m what they call more of a watcher and less of a talker, but for some reason in Summer’s presence I have no problem telling her about myself and what I do.

“I own a real estate company with my brothers, Mason and Heath. Those two should be here with me now but were able to weasel their way out of it,” I tell her. She laughs and says, “I know what you mean. If I had it my way, I’d be at home sans shoes and curled up on the couch reading a good book.”

Her laugh is just like the rest of her, stunningly beautiful. I find myself wanting to hear her laugh all night. We sit and chat about everything and nothing in between. We talk about our careers, something I’m noticing she’s very passionate about. It lights up her whole face when she talks about traveling. I can’t say that I’ve ever had anything in my life besides my brothers and our mom that make me as happy as she is right now.

I tell her about my love for surfing every morning, even if it’s only for an hour. Her face lit up when she replied, “I go to the beach every chance I get, at least once a day. Maybe I’ll see you out there sometime.”

“As a matter of fact, I’ll be out there tomorrow. Do you have any plans?” I ask her.

“I don’t have anything going on, you do know tomorrow is New Year’s Eve though, right?” she replies with a smile on her face.

“Yep, I have no big plans though. Figure I’ll wake up early, catch some waves, and wander around a bit. You’re more than welcome to join,” I respond to her. My hand is draped on the back of her chair, we’re both turned into each other. There’s chatter all around us, the only thing that has our attention is each other.

“I’ll be there, what time?”

“Around six, the waves are better in the morning.” Her smile wans, but then she responds with, “Okay, I’ll just make sure I have extra coffee before I get there.”

“Not much of a morning person?”

“Not at all, in fact, if this event doesn’t end soon, I’ll turn into a pumpkin before midnight,”

“I don’t see that happening, think it’s too early to leave? I know a great burger joint that’s still open,” I suggest.

“Really? Let’s go. Don’t be surprised if I walk barefoot though. These shoes are torture,” she picks up the bottom of her dress, and from what I can tell those shoes may hurt her, but fuck what they do to her legs.

“I’ll even give you a piggyback ride, if you want,” I say with a smirk on my face.

We both get up, I grab ahold of her hand, and lead her out the door only stopping to give the valet my ticket, so he can bring my car around.



I giggle the entire time Rome walks me out the doors from the event, I’m sure I’ll get an earful tomorrow from both of my parents. Yet, I just don’t care. I love the feeling of being spontaneous with Rome. He holds my hand the entire time. Even while we wait for his car to be pulled up. At one point he even brings me in closer to his body, with his arms wrapped around me and kisses the top of my head.

After feeling him, my gaze lifts up to meet his. His eyes are hooded, like he has the same yearning inside him that I have. I’m sure you can see every single thing I’m thinking in my facial expression alone. I slowly lower the lids of my eyes, take a deep breath, and sink further into Rome.

Our moment is broken when the valet states, “Your car is here, Mr. Carter.”

“Thank you,” he tells the young man. He exchanges his keys for a tip, and then Rome is opening the passenger door. Our bodies brush against each other and I find myself wanting to soak in his presence.

After I’m in the seat, he waits until I buckle my seatbelt before heading to the driver’s side.

Once he’s seated and his own seatbelt is firmly in place, he puts the car in drive, and then places his hand in mine while he’s driving.

“Where are we going?” I finally ask, not really worrying that I’m alone in a car with Rome.

“Burger Shack, I saw what they were serving for dinner at the event. There was no way that food was going to be edible. Nothing like spending a fortune on a plate, only to not eat it,” he shakes his head. His eyes never leave the streets as he navigates through a busy part of town.

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