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Rome didn’t have a problem and even suggested I change into my bathing suit while he grabbed the sunscreen. I took the stairs two at a time, a day to just lounge around and hang out with Rome, I’m in.

I went into the master bedroom where my bag was placed, grab my burgundy two-piece bikini and changed as fast as I could. Wanting to get back to Rome as quickly as I could.

Our gazes collide with each other’s. I stop in my tracks and so does Rome. He’s standing in the kitchen wearing only his shorts. It may be too soon to some, but I know what I’m feeling for Rome already. And if the smoldering look he has on his face that he’s giving me is anything to go by, I’m pretty sure he’s feeling the exact same way.

“Come here, Summer,” his voice has taken on a raspiness. It makes my insides turn into liquid. I walk over to him on shaky legs, our eyes never leaving one another’s. He licks his lips, and it reminds me all too much of our first kiss we had just an hour ago and how much I want his lips back on mine.

“Yes,” I whisper out, once I’m in front of him.

“You’re gorgeous,” he states. I feel the meaning to his words to the very depths of my soul.

“Thank you.” My eyes stay locked on his until we both hear splashing coming out from the pool.

“You gotta be kidding me, those two don’t listen for shit,” he grouses. All I can do is laugh, he warned me they lived pretty closed, and usually stop in uninvited a lot of times.

“It’s okay. You know they’re only doing it to get to you,” I wrap my arms around his neck and he pulls me in by my hips.

“You’re right, except knowing those two they’ll try and steal you from me,” he grunts.

“Not happening,” my lips find his and give him a soft and sweet kiss, nothing that lasts as long as I want it to, but enough for Rome to know he’s the one for me.

“You’re perfect,” he mumbles, as we pull apart.

“I’m not so sure about that, but we can pretend I am, and add it onto my amazing qualities along with the fact you always catch me talking to myself,” I blow out a puff of breath and take in the fact that Rome is laughing. Damn, he is hot in every single way.

“Let’s get this sunscreen on you before Mason and Heath barge in.”

“If you can do my back, I’ll do my front once we’re outside,” I suggest.

“I’d rather you do it in here, I know my brother’s, they’ll drool and fall over themselves if you put sunscreen on in front of them,” I turn around while he works on my back. I try my hardest to string two words together, but with his hands on my and his scent surrounding me, the only thing I can do is sigh.



I saw Mason and Heath’s eyes bulge out of their sockets. If mom were here today, she would have walloped them with her shoe.

Summer introduced herself and then asked if she could use a float and laze around while we caught up with one another. Little did she know if they weren’t here, I’d be happier. Don’t get me wrong, I love them but talk about interfering little shits.

I’m the oldest of them, not by much. Enough to shove it in their face at times, but they do the same thing at times too.

“How did you land Summer, no offense. She’s so far out of any of our leagues,” Heath states.

“Fuck if I know, but I’m not letting her go,” I grunt.

“She fits in perfectly and she hasn’t met mom yet. Mom is gonna flip, you better call her and soon,” Mason suggests.

“It’s on my to do list, tonight. So, neither of you idiots say a word. At least not yet,” I reply. I look to where Summer is on the lounge float type thing Mom usually uses when she comes over. She’s completely content, almost like she’s asleep. Summer isn’t though, I can see her lips move every now and then, knowing she’s talking to herself. I chuckle, not letting my brothers really know what I’m thinking.

“Sure, yeah,” they both agree. Knowing them, they’ll run their mouths and Mom won’t hear it from me, but from one of them.

“I’m starting the grill, you two can make the sides. Leave Summer alone too,” I demand as I get up from the chair I was sitting on, making my way to where the woman of my dreams is and asking her, “You need anything, baby?”

“Nope, well maybe just you?” she replies.

“Yeah, you do. Let me start the grill and I’ll get in with you,” alluding to more than just hanging out with her. I see her legs rub together and I know she’s trying to ease the ache that’s been there from earlier this morning.

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