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“I asked you who she is!” He nudged the gun into Jeff’s neck.

Maria cocked her gun. The big man turned. Good. He’d heard it. “This is your last chance. I don’t give a rat’s ass if you die right here and now.”

The big man finally moved the gun from Jeff’s neck and set it on the ground.

“Slide it over.”

He complied. She didn’t dare bend down to pick it up. Her heart leaped into her chest, and she fought the urge to burst into tears of thankfulness.

Now what? The big man could easily overpower Jeff.

But quick as a flash, Jeff was up, with Angie’s old replica of David’s head in his hands. He beaned Chuck on the side of the head with the statue, a dull thud sounding. The man fell into a heap in the entryway.

Maria ran into Jeff’s arms. “Oh God oh God oh God.” The tears came. “I was so scared.”

“That makes two of us.” His arms tightened around her. “All I could think of was you. I prayed that you wouldn’t wake up.” He pulled away for a minute and gazed at her. “Now I’m glad you did.”

She gulped. “We better get him tied up or something before he comes to.”

“Yeah, right. There’s some duct tape in the kitchen.” Jeff glanced over at the bust of Michelangelo’s David on the floor. “Grandpa kept that in his office. I always hated the damned thing, but I?

?m sure glad it was here.”

“Wayne gave it to Angie.” Maria’s voice shook. “She never liked it either. Said it was in poor taste to copy an original. I guess that’s why it’s still here.”

Jeff walked to the kitchen and came back with the duct tape while Maria quickly dialed 9-1-1 and explained the situation.

Jeff bound Chuck’s wrists and ankles. “He won’t be moving now.”

Maria burst into tears. She hated herself for it. She wanted to be strong for Jeff, but—

“It’s okay.” He wrapped his arms around her. “Where did you get that gun?”

“There’s a secret compartment in the bedroom. It’s at the foot of the bed. There’s a loose floorboard. Wayne insisted Angie learn how to use a gun and have one in the house if she needed it. She never took Wayne seriously, but she acquiesced and did learn how to use the thing. Thank God she never had to use it in real life. I had a hunch she might have forgotten about it when she moved. Thank God, she did.”

“Yeah, thank God.”

“Do you know how to use it? Would you have shot him?”

She nodded, still shaking. “Wayne insisted I learn to use a gun too. I have one just like this one in a similar floorboard hiding place in my bedroom.”

He clasped her to him. “You’re the bravest woman I know.”

Still shuddering, she clung to him. “I guess we’re even,” she said, “because you’re the bravest man I know.”

He hugged her tighter. “Yes, Mia. Together, there’s nothing we can’t overcome.”

* * *

A couple of hours later, the police had been and gone, and Chuck was carted back to prison. Jeff had told the police the whole story, and they put out an arrest warrant for Max.

Maria collapsed on the couch beside Jeff. “What a day!”

Jeff sighed. “You’re telling me. If I never find myself staring down the barrel of a gun again, it’ll be too soon.” He clasped Maria’s hand in his.

A phone buzzed from the kitchen.

Maria stood. “That’s my cell. It’s in my purse in the kitchen. I’ll just be a minute.” She hurried to the kitchen and grabbed the phone out of her purse. Angie.

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