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She pursed her lips. ‘Do you think so? I’ve been thinking about that, but I’m a bit nervous about using a heavy-duty stripper.’

‘Well, you need all the right protective gear but it’s easy really. I can…’ Matt reconsidered the offer. ‘I was thinking of doing my study. Why don’t you come over and give me a hand?’

She thought for a moment. Surely she wouldn’t turn down such a well-concealed offer of help. ‘Yes, okay. I can see how it’s done, perhaps.’ She giggled. ‘At least I won’t need any ear defenders.’

He wanted to hug her, but he was afraid that he might muss her delicate perfection. Or that she might slap him. Matt contented himself with walking over to where she stood, watching Jack as he pressed the remote to unlock the car doors.

‘He insisted on choosing a present for you. A

nd the paper as well. Wouldn’t even let me in the room while he was wrapping it up.’ Matt knew that she would value Jack’s efforts far more than anything he could have done.

‘That’s lovely.’ The tenderness in her face turned to mischief. ‘I expect he didn’t want you interfering with the grand plan.’

‘Well, the grand plan apparently has to include reindeer, so I hope you like them.’

‘As it happens, I like them very much.’ Her eyes were dancing with mirth. ‘Does that mean he’s got to the end of the game I made?’

‘More than once. “Rudolf the Red-Nosed Reindeer” is now well and truly burned into my consciousness. I found myself humming it during my afternoon clinic the other day.’

‘Oops. Sorry.’ She grimaced apologetically, clapping one hand over her mouth and laying the other on his arm. Even through his jacket, he could feel the tingle that seemed to race between them whenever they touched and the almost dizzy feeling that being in contact with her produced.

‘Don’t be. He loves that game. It’s all the more special to him because you made it just for him.’

She nodded, obviously pleased. Jack was marching up the front path again, after having only half closed the passenger door of the car, but Matt decided to take the risk. Nothing was going to happen to it outside in the lane and now was not the time to interfere with Jack’s efforts to be a grown-up.

The boy was unusually solemn as he faced Beth, holding out his parcel to her. ‘Happy Christmas, Beth.’

‘Ooh! Thank you, Jack.’ She took the parcel and felt it carefully. ‘I wonder what it is. I’m not sure if I can bring myself to open it, it looks so lovely.’

She caught his hand and led Jack into the sitting room. Matt followed, a few paces behind, stopping in the doorway. This was Jack’s time with her. Maybe later on he’d get his turn.

Beth was perched on the comfortable-looking sofa, her present balanced on her knees. Waving her finger, she directed Jack to a little parcel that was hanging from one of the branches of the Christmas tree that stood in the window, almost completely obscuring it.

It was placed just low enough for him to reach, but not without a stretch. Jack dislodged a shower of pine needles and Beth only grinned at the mess. A sparkly gold bauble fell to the floor and rolled across the bare floorboards, making Matt wince, but Beth ignored it completely. Finally he managed to unhook the little red and green package and trotted importantly over to the sofa, plumping himself down beside Beth.

‘Open yours first,’ Jack insisted.

She professed further delight at how beautifully the present was wrapped, and opened it carefully, peeling the sticky tape off without tearing the wrapping paper. ‘Oh, how lovely! How did you know that these were my absolute favourites?’

Jack’s chest swelled with pride. ‘Can I open mine now?’

‘Yes, if you like. It’s not as yummy as mine is.’

Jack tore at the paper on the package, and something fell out into his hand. He was busy deciphering a little piece of paper that had accompanied the something and Matt felt his heart twitch with suspense. What had she come up with this time?

Jack ran over to him. ‘Look, Dad, it’s a shark’s tooth. It’s a real fossil and it’s millions of years old.’

‘Wow!’ Matt was genuinely impressed. ‘Can I have a look at that?’

Jack pressed the tooth into his hand and capered back to Beth, flinging his arms around her neck, dislodging a curl of hair from its clip. Beth appeared not to notice, and returned his hug. ‘Just think how big that old shark must have been to have had a tooth that size, eh?’

Jack thought for a moment. ‘Probably about as big as a house.’

‘I think so. Was it as big as your house, or mine?’

‘Mine.’ Jack turned to Matt. ‘It was probably as big as our house, wasn’t it, Dad?’

Matt nodded gravely. ‘I expect so. We’ll look it up on the internet tomorrow and see what it was like, shall we?’

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