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They drove through the vines, parking as close as they could to the spring, and Matteo held her hand as they climbed the ridge. As well as the bottle, he’d collected a couple of hurricane lamps, which seemed like a good idea as dusk was approaching.

He lit the lamps, placing them by the pool so that their light reflected on the water. Then he undressed, throwing his clothes in an untidy pile with hers. Together they slipped into the water, drifting together at the end of a night and day that had changed everything.

Rose splashed the warm water over her shoulders. ‘I’m going to have to live to be a hundred just to have another day with you. Do you think you can make a hundred and six?’

‘If it means another day with you, I’ll live to two hundred and six.’ He curled his arms around her and they floated together as the red rays of sunset started to spread across the sky.

‘This isn’t too fast for you, is it?’ He kissed her forehead.

‘No. You?’ It was just right. No expectations, just taking the best out of every moment as it presented itself.

‘No. I said we’d go slowly, though.’

‘You said we’d go as slowly as I wanted. Which is as fast as you want.’

He smiled. ‘One more thing, then?’

‘One more thing is fine. Before the sun sets.’

He looked up at the darkening sky. ‘I’d better be quick.’

He levered himself out of the water, reaching for the glasses. Pouring a splash of wine into each, he handed one down to her and got back into the pool.

He bumped his glass against hers. ‘A toast to today. And tomorrow.’

They drank together, each locked in the other’s gaze.

‘Rose, will you marry me?’ He blurted the words out, and they echoed slightly in the silence.

‘What?’ For a moment she was dumbfounded. Too thrilled to speak.

‘If it’s too soon...’

‘No...’ His face fell and suddenly she had the words. ‘I mean, no, it’s not too soon. And, yes, I’ll marry you, Matteo.’

He smiled. ‘You don’t want to talk about it a bit? I can be very persuasive...’

‘I know you can. But you don’t need to persuade me. Yes.’ Pure joy was welling up inside her, and she threw out her arms, dropping her glass in the water where it bobbed unheeded. ‘Yes.’ She flung her arms around his neck, kissing him.

‘Thank you. Thank you...’ He held her tight, whispering the words against her neck. ‘I promise you won’t regret it.’

‘I promise you won’t regret it either.’

‘I have a ring...’

‘You do? Where?’ One of his hands was fisted against her back, and he brushed his knuckles against her spine. Rose ducked out of his embrace and twisted to grab his arm, slipping under the water, and when her head broke the surface again he was laughing.

‘You want to see it?’ He brushed her wet hair out of her eyes with his free hand.

‘Of course I do.’ She tried to prise his fingers open and for a moment he teased, and resisted her. Then he let her open his hand.

The ring lay sparkling in his palm. One diamond, square cut and surrounded by a rim of gold filigree. Rose gasped.

‘It was my great-grandmother’s. My great-grandfather gave it to her when Nannu Alberto was born, and he gave it to me. He said that his mother was very beautiful and much loved, and that I should find someone like her to give it to.’

‘It’s beautiful, Matteo.’ Rose hardly dared touch it. This was so precious. ‘It looks almost new. She must have hardly worn it.’
