Page 59 of Saving Baby Amy

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‘I love you too. More than I’m afraid of messing this up.’

He kissed her, puffing out an exasperated breath when he wobbled a little and she had to steady him. Then he smiled down at her and Chloe reached up, gently pulling him down for another kiss. This was exactly how it was meant to be. Not caring about who was supporting who, but just stronger together.

‘I wish I could sweep you off your feet. There are so many things...’ He kissed her brow, his mind obviously working overtime to catalogue the many things.

‘Don’t keep it to yourself. Tell me about it.’

‘The thing I most want right now?’ He smiled down at her. ‘I just want to hold you, Chloe, and feel your skin against mine. But I’m not sure I can stand up for very much longer.’

Helping him up the stairs and into her bedroom wasn’t exactly what either of them might have fantasised about, but it was perfect. Settling him on the bed, propping his leg on a pillow and stripping off his sweatshirt felt like the most romantic thing in the world, as did having to stand a little to one side to let him see her pull her top off, because his left eye was pretty much closed.

‘You’ll take me like this?’ His fingers brushed the bruises on his left side. ‘They’re not very pretty.’

‘It’s just a few bruises. They make you look ruggedly pretty.’ Chloe climbed onto the bed, careful not to touch him, but he chuckled, pulling her close.

As she settled against him he let out a contented sigh. All the missing and the longing had been set free, with only love left to replace it.

When he finally spoke, she could hear the smile in his voice. ‘So how long do you reckon we’ll be able to hold out for?’

He’d been thinking the same thing she was. Her body was buzzing with warm arousal, but the urgency was slaked by the knowledge that Jon was in no condition for anything other than rest right now. And they had a future. They didn’t need to rush things.

‘I can hold out for a very long time, Jon.’


‘Yes, really. You’re recovering from a nasty injury, and you need to rest.’ She said the words with as much determination as she could muster. ‘We’re going to have to take things slowly and gently. A little improvisation maybe...’

He chuckled. ‘I’m looking forward to seeing what improvisations you’ll come up with.’

She looked up into his face, feeling the love that she saw there reverberate in her heart. ‘Are you going to behave or am I going to have to be strict with you?’

Jon pulled her down for a kiss. ‘You’re going to have to be very strict, my love.’


One year later...

THE LAST YEAR had been...interesting. Jon had needed another minor operation on his leg, and it had taken a while before he’d been fully fit again. Hannah had studied hard and completed the whole of her correspondence course in time to sit her Art A-Level in June, and had then panicked on the day of the exam. Chloe had marched her into the examination room and sat outside to make sure she didn’t escape, and when Hannah received her results, she’d passed with flying colours.

Amy was a bright, secure toddler, who brought joy to both her mother and to her aunt and uncle. They’d all moved into the new house together, and Amy loved the bright room with the animal mural.

And Jon and Chloe had been married in the spring. It had rained all day, but the warmth and love had shone through. Despite everything, they were blissfully happy.

Once every month they’d take turns in booking a surprise destination for a date night. The destination wasn’t a surprise this time, though. By the time they’d reached Dover Chloe knew exactly where Jon was taking her. It had been a year, to the day, since the night they’d spent at the chateau in France.

It was just the same as before. They dressed up and sat on the roof for dinner. When the table was cleared and they went back downstairs, a bottle of champagne was waiting for them in an ice bucket.

‘One year.’ Chloe wound her arms around his neck, standing on her toes to kiss him. ‘It’s been the happiest of my life.’

‘Mine too. But next year’s going to be better.’

‘I think so too.’

He leaned towards her, whispering in her ear. ‘I’ll always love you, Chloe. Whatever happens, my life with you is perfect.’

There was just one thing missing. They’d been trying for a baby since their wedding night and Chloe knew how much Jon wanted to be a father. She desperately wanted a child of her own too.

‘I have something for you.’

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