Page 30 of Saving Baby Amy

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‘Uh?’ Chloe could hardly think, let alone plan. ‘Not early. About ten, probably...’

‘Okay. I’ll see you in the morning, then.’


EVEN THOUGH SHE’D been tired, she hadn’t slept well, and when Chloe woke early she knew that she had no chance of dozing off to sleep again. Dragging herself out of bed, she stumbled to the bathroom and stood for a long time under the shower.

When she went downstairs, Jon was in the kitchen. His face took on a pained expression when she sat down at the table.

‘Did you sleep at all?’

‘Not much.’ Chloe twisted her mouth downwards, pushing her hair back behind her ears. ‘Just tell me I look better than I feel and make some coffee, eh?’

‘Right you are. You look gorgeous, by the way.’

‘Thank you.’ She sank her head into her hands. ‘Don’t overdo it, I might think you’re not being sincere.’

He chuckled and made the coffee. Then he fetched her a bowl of muesli and watched her eat it.

‘Are we ready to go, then?’ He put the empty bowl in the sink.

‘We? Are we going somewhere?’ Jon’s breeziness was obviously concealing some kind of plan.

‘I’m popping up to the hospital. I need to get some forms from the HR department. I’ll run you in and then we can go and get some lunch, if you like. Think about your next move.’

‘Are you sure?’ The HR department sounded a bit like an excuse, but Chloe was too tired to argue.

‘Yes. Come on. We’ll stop and get some more coffee on the way.’

* * *

The second cup of coffee had finally woken her up, and by the time they arrived at the hospital Chloe was feeling ready to face the day. She spent two hours handing over to the colleagues who were filling in for her, and found Jon waiting for her in the reception area, talking to an elderly lady with her arm in a sling.

He got to his feet when he saw Chloe. ‘’Bye, Mavis. Hope they sort your arm out.’

‘I expect they will, dear. Don’t forget what I told you.’

‘No, I’ll keep it in mind.’ Jon took Chloe’s arm and hurried her through the double doors of the department.

‘What are you not forgetting?’

Jon shrugged. ‘That turnips are high in calcium. Mavis has osteoporosis so she’s dispensing advice to the whole of the waiting room about how to keep your bones healthy.’

‘Good woman. But, then, you already know how to keep your bones healthy, you’re a doctor. Which gives you no excuse not to eat your turnips.’

‘Yeah. I thought I’d skip that piece of information, in case she expected me to comment on her X-rays. Fancy a pizza for lunch? We could leave the car here and walk down to that place in the High Street.’

* * *

Despite all of the worry that she must feel for Hannah, Chloe still managed to smile, and Jon couldn’t help but respect her for it. They talked over lunch, and there was no trace of resentment for all that Hannah had put her through. Just determination to find her sister and somehow make things right again.

‘Do you know many of Hannah’s friends?’ As they walked out into the afternoon sunshine, turning into one of the backstreets that led back to the hospital, Jon’s thoughts turned to the next task.

‘Quite a few of them. She has some down in Cornwall, from when she lived there with Aunt Sylvie. A few in London. James and I made a list, and I’m going to work through it this afternoon.’

‘What if Hannah hears that you’ve been phoning round, looking for her? Won’t she take exception to that?’

‘I sent her a text this morning. I thought it was best to be honest and tell her what I’m doing, and that it’s because I love her.’

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