Page 22 of Saving Baby Amy

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‘I’ll bet you did.’ Chloe leaned forward a little, her elbows on her knees. ‘So who did you show?’

‘There’s this boy at my school. When he takes his shirt off in the changing rooms his back’s all flaky and horrible. I told him I didn’t wanna see it and he needed to get out of there.’

Chloe nodded, as if that was perfectly understandable. Jon saw Alan’s mother put her hand to her mouth, staring at the back of her son’s head.

‘And you had a fight with him?’

‘He didn’t wanna go. So I shouted it, right in his ear...’ Alan stopped suddenly, perhaps realising that he was saying too much. ‘That doctor. I told him.’

‘Dr Lambert?’ Chloe waved her hand dismissively. ‘I don’t like him very much. He’s a bit starchy.’

Chloe’s tone was so believable that Jon almost protested. It seemed that Alan agreed with her, though.

The boy leaned towards her, clearly about to impart a secret. ‘I kicked him out. Flaky Boy.’


‘Yes, really. I kicked his bottom and he ran away.’

‘He must be very strong if that’s how you hurt your toe. I saw your X-rays, and it looked very painful.’ Chloe made the observation casually.

‘It didn’t hurt.’ Alan’s bravado belied the way he’d howled when Jon had relocated his toe. ‘And that Flaky Boy’s not strong. I kicked him and then he fell over onto his knees. My toe bashed against the locker.’

‘Oh, I see. Show me.’

Chloe was taking Alan through it all again so there was no mistake, and tears were running down Alan’s mother’s face.

‘I didn’t... We didn’t bring him up to do this...’ She whispered the words so quietly that Jon had to strain to hear them.

He nodded. ‘It’s okay. We just need to know, that’s all.’

Chloe seemed to have satisfied herself that Alan had told the truth this time. ‘Okay, Alan. I’ve got to go now.’

She stood and walked towards the door. Alan turned his head, saw Jon and his mother and flushed bright red, realising he’d been duped. ‘I didn’t do anything. That bitch made me say it—’

‘Alan!’ His mother rallied suddenly. ‘Don’t you dare use that word.’ She turned to Chloe. ‘I’m so sorry.’

‘It’s okay.’ Chloe took her arm, guiding her away from the doorway. ‘I’ve been called worse.’

She glanced at Jon, then nodded in the direction of the drinks machine. He caught her meaning and advanced towards Alan’s mother. ‘Why don’t you come with me? The nurse will keep an eye on Alan, and we’ll have a cup of tea.’

‘What about Craig?’ Alan’s mother reddened suddenly. ‘What am I going to say to his mother? If Alan’s hurt him...’

‘Chloe, would you go and take a look at Craig?’ Jon imagined that her technique might be a little different with him, and that the boy would respond to her warmth and perhaps find the courage to voice what had happened to him.

‘Yes, I’ll go now.’

* * *

They’d managed to snatch ten minutes for a cup of tea together before it was time for Chloe to go back to work. Craig had told his side of the story to Chloe, as Jon had thought he might, and now the whole thing was out in the open and could be dealt with.

‘Apparently it’s not just Alan. Some of the other kids have been bullying Craig as well, but he was too scared to say anything.’

Jon nodded. ‘Well, Alan’s mother’s determined to put a stop to it. That’s a good start.’

‘A very good start. Poor Craig. He had quite a bruise where Alan kicked him. And that knee’s going to be painful for a while.’

‘He’ll go on your list for a follow-up?’

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